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Installation | Web Barcode Scanner


The Scanbot Web Barcode Scanner SDK is available as an npm package:

npm install scanbot-web-sdk --save

You can now import the SDK in your JavaScript or Typescript project:

import ScanbotSDK from 'scanbot-web-sdk'

All SDK modules are available under this ScanbotSDK object.

When using the ScanbotSDK object in Typescript projects, most types can be inferred automatically. However, if necessary, Typescript projects may explicitly include typings by including them from scanbot-web-sdk/@types, e.g.:

import ScanbotSDK from 'scanbot-web-sdk'
import type { IBarcodeScannerHandle } from 'scanbot-web-sdk/@types'

class MyPage {
// We need to explicitly mention the field's type here. We obtain the type via an `import type` statement from `scanbot-web-sdk/@types`.
private barcodeScanner: IBarcodeScannerHandle;
constructor() {
this.barcodeScanner = ScanbotSDK.createBarcodeScanner();

Manual Packing

If you are not using npm in your project, you can still use npm as a one-time command to download the Scanbot Web SDK package:

# Use npm pack to download the SDK package as a tarball
npm pack scanbot-web-sdk
# Extract the tarball
tar -xf scanbot-web-sdk-*.tgz

Now, you can put a <script src="package/bundle/ScanbotSDK.min.js"></script> tag in your index.html. The script puts the SDK entry point into a global variable named ScanbotSDK.

Initializing the SDK

After downloading and importing the SDK, you need to initialize it with your license key.

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