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Text Pattern Scanner | Web Document Scanner

The Scanbot SDK provides the ability to perform text recognition directly on the camera frames, and the result of scanning is the raw text that was extracted from the frame.

Integrating the Text Pattern Scanner UI

Quick start

The minimal setup to integrate the Text Pattern Scanner into your web application is as follows. Either a containerId or a container element is required, and you'll also want to define a callback function to process the detected text.

const configuration = {
containerId: "<SCANNER_CONTAINER-ID>",
onTextDetected: (e) => {
// Process the detected text
const scanner = await scanbotSDK.createTextPatternScanner(configuration);

Remember to store the scanner object in a variable as that's required for further actions such as pausing detection or disposing of the scanner.


The Text Pattern Scanner takes an instance of TextPatternScannerViewConfiguration as its argument. This is your main object for configuration options, styling and receiving the results.

Base Configuration

The configuration object inherits base properties shared by all scanner configurations:

  • containerId – The id of the containing HTML element where your scanner view will be initialized.
  • videoConstraints – The desired video resolution. Optional, defaults to 1920x1080
  • mirrored - Whether the screen should be mirrored. Useful when using a user-facing camera. false by default
  • preferredCamera - Camera label or camera device id. If not available, a default camera is used as fallback
  • onError – Callback when something went wrong. Optional

OCR Configuration

Additionally, the TextPatternScannerViewConfiguration object has the property ocrConfiguration to configure the OCR engine. Where one could configure, for example, the OCR resolution limit or the maximum number of accumulated frames.

See the API Docs for a description of all its properties.

Result Callback

The Text Pattern Scanner has the following result callback:

  • onTextDetected?: (e: TextPatternScannerResult) => void – Your callback function for receiving detection results

Two important properties of the TextPatternScannerResult object to consider are confidence: number and validationSuccessful: boolean. The confidence property indicates the confidence level of the detected text (numeric value of 0-1, 0 being least confident), while validationSuccessful indicates whether the detected text passed validation checks specified in the ocrConfiguration, specifically maximumNumberOfAccumulatedFrames and minimumNumberOfRequiredFramesWithEqualScanningResult.

See the API Docs for a description of all its properties.


ViewFinder-based scanners all have the following two top-level configuration properties:

finder?: ViewFinderConfiguration;
userGuidance?: UserGuidanceConfiguration;


The finder property controls the styling of the background and the hole, and its style property can be of either FinderCorneredStyle or FinderStrokedStyle (defaults to FinderCorneredStyle).

Both of them have the following properties and default values:

/** Color of the viewfinder corner's outlines. @defaultValue "#FFFFFFFF"; */
public strokeColor: string = "#FFFFFFFF";
/** Width of the viewfinder corner's outlines. @defaultValue 3.0; */
public strokeWidth: number = 3.0;
/** Radius of the viewfinder's corners. @defaultValue 10.0; */
public cornerRadius: number = 10.0;

If you're configuring the scanner from a JSON Object, be sure to include the type name:

finder: {
style: {
_type: "FinderStrokedStyle",

Your entire finder configutation object might look something like this:

const config = {
finder: {
visible: true,
style: {
_type: "FinderStrokedStyle",
cornerRadius: 50,
strokeColor: "green",
strokeWidth: 5,
aspectRatio: {
width: 16,
height: 9,
overlayColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
} as ViewFinderConfiguration

Alternatively, you can configure the object line-by-line:

config.finder!.style._type = "FinderStrokedStyle";
config.finder!.style.cornerRadius = 20;


The userGuidance property is for styling the hint text below the finder window and has the following options:

    /** Whether the user guidance is visible. @defaultValue true; */
public visible: boolean = true;
/** Title of the user guidance. @defaultValue new StyledText({ "color": "?sbColorOnPrimary" }); */
public title: StyledText = new StyledText({ "color": "?sbColorOnPrimary" });
/** Background style used for the user guidance.
@defaultValue new BackgroundStyle({
"strokeColor": "#00000000",
"fillColor": "?sbColorSurfaceLow"
public background: BackgroundStyle = new BackgroundStyle({ "strokeColor": "#00000000", "fillColor": "?sbColorSurfaceLow" });

Your entire userGuidance configutation object might look something like this:

const config = {
userGuidance: {
visible: true,
title: {
text: "Scan item",
color: "white",
background: {
strokeColor: "green",
fillColor: "rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2)",
} as UserGuidanceConfiguration

Alternatively, you can also configure the object line-by-line:

config.userGuidance!.title.text = "Scan item";
config.userGuidance!.title.color = "white";

The Scanner Object

After you have your desired configuration, you can create the scanner object with the following code:

const scanner = await scanbotSDK.createTextPatternScanner(configuration);

You should store the scanner object in a variable, as additional scanner actions are functions of that object.

To improve the handling scanner results, ScanbotSDK offers the following convenience functions to pause and resume detection while you are processing the data on your side:

scanner.resumeDetection(): void;
scanner.pauseDetection(): void;
scanner.isDetectionPaused(): boolean;

Switching between the front and rear camera

scanner.swapCameraFacing(force?: boolean): void;

swapCameraFacing(true) indicates that only the swapped camera (e.g. front camera) is acceptable; if the swapped camera is not available, or the user declines the permission to use that camera, the media request will fail.


Firefox on Android: Due to current Firefox browser limitations, we highly recommend checking the running browser and disabling this feature for Firebox browsers.

Switching to a specific available camera

scanner.fetchAvailableCameras(): Promise<CameraInfo[]>;
scanner.switchCamera(deviceId: string, mirrored?: boolean): void;
scanner.getActiveCameraInfo(): CameraInfo | undefined;
interface CameraInfo {
deviceId: string;
label: string;
facingMode?: CameraFacingMode;
supportsTorchControl?: boolean;

type CameraFacingMode = 'front' | 'back' | 'unknown';

You can search for available cameras on the running browser by using fetchAvailableCameras method of a scanner. You can retrieve the label, device id and the camera facing mode information of the active camera of a scanner by using getActiveCameraInfo method. And, you can switch to another available camera by utilizing its device id, by using switchCamera method.

// There can be no cameras available, so check if cameras is not null
const cameras = await scanner.fetchAvailableCameras()
// Current camera info can be unavailable, so check if currentCameraInfo is not null
const currentCameraInfo = scanner.getActiveCameraInfo();
const cameraIndex = cameras.findIndex((cameraInfo) => {
return cameraInfo.deviceId == currentCameraInfo.deviceId;
const newCameraIndex = (cameraIndex + 1) % (cameras.length);

Controlling the torch (flashlight)

On some mobile devices, the browser can control the torch (flashlight). Check scanner.getActiveCameraInfo().supportsTorchControl to see if the browser can control the torch for the currently active camera. If true, you can control the torch by using the setTorchState method of the scanner.

scanner.setTorchState(state: boolean): Promise<void>;

On Android devices, only Chrome supports torch control. Starting with iOS 17.4, all supported browsers on iOS offer torch control functionality.


As with the other scanners of Scanbot SDK, this one should also be properly disposed of when you have detected and processed the relevant data. This is to ensure the camera instance as well as lingering SDK functions are properly disposed to prevent memory leaks.

await scanner.dispose();

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