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SDK initialization


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The Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK must be initialized before usage.

In order to activate the license in the code use the +[Scanbot setLicense:] method of the Scanbot class. Execute this code as early as possible during your app's runtime, but at least before using any Scanbot SDK functionality, e.g. in your application class (AppDelegate).

If your license has expired, any invocation of the Scanbot Barcode SDK API will not work. You can check for license expiration during runtime by using the +[Scanbot isLicenseValid] method.

Example code for setting the license key string:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

"hiasVhl+q8EgpnDaCEjzDPgp6ex91j" +
"y6nLK60knb5DGnaMbxnx3pO7jrML5H" +
"5E6t1XGJ6tFsQm9mm+hSfVnetqEhe4" +
"VNfXzi/lFYpWT8ICQ1c7YbZbAeyPXc" +
"D/IcDaRz1vxS85aOL0tbYXynBzvkSx" +
"mMyFDaL/obrke4h+sonCbLauUA7yXX" +
"yWlT3gZujS6/a+SzhzpB+7+lCd+Y52" +
"GBvOsg+h8JfieM/oFzCUZrSazOEusU" +
"EyOewKLDiOdNqgJpAGK1hF1nQwhcr7" +
"PysYuECotHSE6NQ2vWJ6RqOz974prq" +
"EIjEhdprY62qD2pip2MbBHgKYL69DQ" +
"bFAgyNfSWNtg==\nU2NhbmJvdFNESw" +
"ppby5zY2FuYm90LmV4YW1wbGUuc2Rr" +

return true

Want to scan longer than one minute?

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