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Please be aware that processing really large images may lead to out-of-memory crashes on iOS. Since this limit is highly dynamic and untransparent in iOS, depending on the device, your app's current memory usage, the other running apps, the iOS version, the system configuration and many other unknown variables, we did not add a hard limit for image sizes.

As a general rule of thumb, it is quite safe to assume that processing images of the resolution the camera can shoot will most likely not crash your app. On most modern iOS devices this currently translates to 12 megapixels. But even much larger images may work without crashing as well.

Thus we cannot take responsibility for out-of-memory crashes when dealing with very high-resolution images. It is your responsibility, as an app developer, to properly manage the handling of large images and keep the memory footprint of your app as small as possible.

In case you have any questions on this topic, please reach out to our support team.

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