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Changelog | Cordova Barcode Scanner

Version 4.2.0 (22 Apr 2024):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added support for inverted PDF-417 barcodes.
    • Introduced Barcode Document Formats! When scanning barcodes, if a supported document is recognized, it will be parsed and included in the result.
    • New functionality to extract images from PDF files! See the new API functions extractImagesFromPDF.
    • Added a type literal, BACK_WIDEST for CameraModule (iOS only).
    • Added encryption for image files. For more details please check out the section Storage Encryption.
    • Added licenseExpirationDate property in LicenseInfo showing the license expiration date in milliseconds.
    • Added new properties in the following configurations:
      • BarcodeScannerConfiguration: enableCameraButtonTitle, enableCameraExplanationText, flashButtonHidden, flashButtonInactiveColor, focusLockEnabled, focusLockPosition, touchToFocusEnabled, minFocusDistanceLock, replaceCancelButtonWithIcon, cameraPreviewMode, cameraZoomRange, gs1HandlingMode, doubleTapToZoomEnabled, pinchToZoomEnabled, shouldAnimateZooming, viewFinderEnabled, confirmationDialogConfiguration, overlayConfiguration, barcodeValueFilter
      • BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration: cameraZoomRange, doubleTapToZoomEnabled, pinchToZoomEnabled, shouldAnimateZooming, flashButtonHidden, flashButtonTitle, focusLockEnabled, focusLockPosition, touchToFocusEnabled, minFocusDistanceLock, gs1HandlingMode, enableCameraButtonTitle, enableCameraExplanationText, replaceCancelButtonWithIcon, cameraPreviewMode, autoCancelTimeout, viewFinderEnabled, overlayConfiguration, barcodeValueFilter
    • iOS: Added Privacy manifest file (PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy) to the SDK.
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improved general speed and accuracy when detecting barcodes.
    • Added more control over how to handle GS1 messages in barcodes. See gs1HandlingMode in barcode scanner configuration.
    • Android: The raw string is returned for RSS Expanded barcodes that don't contain a GS1 string.
    • Android: Stripped down the Android dynamic symbol table in native libraries. As a result, the size of the native shared libraries has decreased.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Fixed false positives for Code 39, RSS Expanded and Codabar barcodes.
    • Fixed potential memory leaks in all RTU-UI screens.
    • Fixed a crash within the barcode detector.
    • iOS: Fixed a crash while logging URLs with spaces.
    • iOS: Fixed a crash when denying camera permission.
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Renamed ScanbotBarcodeSdk type to ScanbotBarcodeSDK, UIInterfaceOrientationMask type to OrientationLockMode, FinderAspectRatio type to AspectRatio and BarcodeFilter type to BarcodesExtensionFilter.
    • Renamed BarcodeResult type to BarcodeScannerResult and removed imageFileUri from the main result and sourceImageUri from the barcodes result fields.
    • Replaced barcodeFilter property in barcode configurations with barcodesExtensionFilter.
    • Replaced gs1DecodingEnabled property with gs1HandlingMode. GS1 codes are now handled differently for various barcode types. Using the default option PARSE will give the same result as before for all barcode types, except for RSS_EXPANDED. Previously, for RSS_EXPANDED, the result was inconsistently returned with parentheses. Now, to get results with parentheses for all barcode types, choose the option DECODE.
    • Removed storeImages property from DetectBarcodesOnImageArgs and BarcodeScannerConfiguration.
    • Removed decodeStacks1D property from DetectBarcodesOnImageArgs, BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration. The decoding of stacked barcodes is now handled automatically.
    • Type literals for types MSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm, BarcodeImageGenerationType and LicenseStatus have been modified.
    • Results from all API calls were modified. You will receive ResultWrapper that contains status property and data optional generic property.
    • iOS: Removed support for iOS 11.x and 12.x. The minimum deployment target to use Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK in your app is iOS 13.0!
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded native Scanbot Android Barcode Scanner SDK to v4.2.0
    • Upgraded native Scanbot iOS Barcode Scanner SDK to v4.2.2
    • Update TensorFlow Lite to 2.10
    • Android: Updated version of Nameof C++ library to v0.10.3
    • Android: Disabled GPU acceleration for Redmi 9 models, Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime and devices with Android older than 6.
    • Android: The BlackView and Caterpillar brands have been excluded from GpuAcceleration-supported devices.
    • Android: Enabled -fstack-protector-all on Android.
    • Android: Removed usage of backward-cpp library.
    • Android: Updated Kotlin library to 1.7.10

Version 3.4.0 (20 Oct 2023):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added new parameter decodeStacks1D in CommonBarcodeConfiguration. For stacked RSS barcodes, this should be set to the number of stacks with which the barcode was printed.
    • Added a new text format property configuration in SelectionOverlayConfiguration.
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improved recognition of inverted barcodes.
    • Improved performance and reduced false positive rate for stacked RSS barcodes.
    • Improved performance of DataMatrix and QR-codes.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed a focusing issue with the new iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max.
    • iOS: Changed the default back-facing camera to the ultra-wide lens on iPhone 14 Pro (including Max) devices, due to close-focusing issues with these devices.
    • iOS: Fixed a potential crash when the app using ScanbotSDK is suspended by the operating system.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Updated Android & iOS SDK to 3.4.0

Version 3.3.4 (27 Sep 2023):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Introduced closeBarcodeScanner and closeBatchBarcodeScanner functions to programmatically close the scanners.
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Android: The scanners are now automatically closed when the Cordova activity is destroyed.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed crash that occurred when the app was killed in the background while the scanner screen was open.

Version 3.3.3 (11 Apr 2023):

  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • For iOS builds, Xcode 11 or later must be used.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Using XCFramework for the iOS Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK under the hood

Version 3.3.1 (21 Nov 2022):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added barcodeFormats, acceptedDocumentFormats, minimumTextLength, maximumTextLength, minimum1DBarcodesQuietZone, stripCheckDigits, gs1DecodingEnabled, msiPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm, lowPowerMode, and barcodeFilter configuration in DetectBarcodesOnImageArgs.

Version 3.3.0 (28 Oct 2022):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added initialScanDelay configuration into BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration for setting an initial delay before scanning starts.
    • Added delayAfterScan configuration into BarcodeScannerConfiguration for setting a delay before returning the result after the scanning completes.
    • Added selectionOverlayConfiguration configuration into BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration which displays contours of the barcode and allows users to select the barcode on an AR-like layer.
    • Added textWithExtension attribute to barcode result: if the detected barcode has an extension, it contains both the text and the extension, otherwise it contains the text only.
    • Added barcodeFilter configuration into BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration for configuring which barcode extensions will be detected.
    • Added codeDensity configuration into BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration to determine the density of QR codes. A higher density finds more QR codes in an image but the performance is slightly reduced.
    • Added cameraModule configuration into BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration for choosing the preferred camera: FRONT or BACK.
    • Added topBarButtonsInactiveColor configuration into BarcodeScannerConfiguration which allows choosing the foreground color of the flash button when the flash is off.
    • Android: Added useButtonsAllCaps configuration into BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration which controls whether buttons should use all capitals style, as defined by Android Material Design.
    • Added autoCancelTimeout configuration into BarcodeScannerConfiguration which configures the time in seconds until the screen is automatically canceled.
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Android: Now Barcode Scanner and Batch Barcode Scanner will use CameraX by default
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • Android: useCameraX configuration in ScanbotBarcodeSDKConfiguration is set to true by default
    • Parameter change in UIInterfaceOrientationMask interface: ALL is replaced with NONE
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v3.3.0 (cf. changelog).
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v3.3.0 (cf. changelog).

Version 3.2.1 (19 Aug 2022):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added rawBytes to Barcode items in the BarcodeResult. Contains the raw bytes of the detected barcode.

Version 3.2.0 (26 Jul 2022):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added GS1 barcode document format support in BarcodeDocumentFormat.
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • Renamed parameter DISABILITY_CERTIFICATE to MEDICAL_CERTIFICATE in BarcodeDocumentFormat.
    • Removed the property recognitionEnabled from BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration class.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v3.2.2 (cf. changelog).
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v3.2.2 (cf. changelog).

Version 3.1.1 (22 Jun 2022):

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Updated README

Version 3.1.0 (28 Jan 2022)

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added lowPowerMode in BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration (Android only).
    • Added the ability for Scanbot SDK Core native logging! See enableNativeLogging in ScanbotBarcodeSDKConfiguration (Android only).
    • Added useCameraX in ScanbotBarcodeSDKConfiguration. You can now enable CameraX under the hood (Android only).
    • Added allowXnnpackAcceleration in ScanbotBarcodeSDKConfiguration which allows controlling whether the XNN pack optimizations should be used (Android only).
    • Added allowGpuAcceleration in ScanbotBarcodeSDKConfiguration which enables GPU acceleration for TensorFlow ML models (Android only).
    • Added stripCheckDigits in BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration. With this option enabled, the scanner removes check digits for UPC, EAN and MSI Plessey barcodes.
    • Added cameraZoomFactor to BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • Renamed parameter enableGS1Decoding to gs1DecodingEnabled in BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration.
    • Replaced parameter allowedInterfaceOrientations with orientationLockMode on BarcodeScannerConfiguration.
    • Removed unused parameters bottomButtonsInactiveColor and bottomButtonsActiveColor from BarcodeScannerConfiguration.
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improved Aztec barcode recognition.
    • Improved PDF417 recognition performance on single photos.
    • Improved barcode detection on large documents.
    • Improved GS-1 databar recognition in the next-gen barcode scanner.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Fixed orientationLockMode causes a crash on certain configurations
  • 🚙 Under the hood:

Version 3.0.1 (21 Jul 2021)

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • iOS: The native iOS SDK framework is no longer contained in the npm package but downloaded after npm install.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed a packaging issue with the native iOS SDK framework.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • iOS: Updated the native iOS Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK to 3.0.1.

Version 3.0.0 (16 Jul 2021)

  • 🎉 New:
    • Brand new "Next Generation" machine-learning-based barcode scanning engine with improved reliability and much faster performance
    • API changes for the new barcode engine: added engineMode property on barcode scanning APIs to switch between the legacy barcode engine and the new Next Generation barcode engine. By default, the new engine is used.
    • Re-introduced MSI Plessey barcode recognition (disabled by default)
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Updated the native Android Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK to 3.0.1
    • Updated the native iOS Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK to 3.0.0

Version 2.1.0 (28 Apr 2021):

  • 🎉 New:

    • Added support for zooming in Barcode Scanner! See cameraZoomFactor parameter in startBarcodeScanner.
    • Added new Batch Barcode Scanning function startBatchBarcodeScanner! See startBatchBarcodeScanner.
    • Introduced Document Type Filtering! See acceptedDocumentFormats parameter in startBarcodeScanner.
    • Introduced Barcode Scanning additional parameters. See minimumTextLength, maximumTextLength, minimum1DBarcodesQuietZone, and enableGS1Decoding in startBarcodeScanner.
    • Support for Swiss QR codes
    • Introduced encryption for Barcode Images
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:

    • Removed finderWidth and finderHeight from BarcodeScannerConfiguration. Use finderAspectRatio instead (see startBarcodeScanner)
    • Removed support for MSI Plessey Barcodes Detection
  • 🚀 Improvements:

    • Improved Barcode Detection Accuracy
    • Optimized memory consumption during Barcode Detection
    • Various UI improvements
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:

    • iOS: Fixed a rare out-of-memory crash in barcode scanning on older devices
    • Android: Fixed multiple simultaneous detection results on a single ITF barcode
  • 🚙 Under the hood:

    • Updated the native Android Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK to v1.7.0
    • Updated the native iOS Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK to v1.11.0

Version 2.0.0 (22 Dec 2020):

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improved detection of several 1D and 2D barcode types
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed some issues with submission to App Store Connect ("ERROR ITMS-90xxx...")
    • iOS: Fixed the strip-script
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • iOS: Dropped support for iOS 9 and iOS 10!
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Updated the native Android Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK to v1.3.0
    • Updated the native iOS Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK to v1.8.4

Version 1.0.0 (13 Feb 2020):

  • 🎉 First release.

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