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SDK Initialization | Flutter Barcode Scanner

License Key

In order to run the Scanbot SDK within your production app, you must purchase and use a valid Scanbot SDK license.

Each license key is valid only for a given app bundle identifier. You will be unable to use any of the SDK features if the license key is corrupted, expired, or invalid in any other way.

Trial License

The Scanbot SDK will run without a license for one minute per session! To get a free, "no-strings-attached" 7-day trial license, please submit the Trial License Form on our website.

Please kindly note that a trial license can only be used in a development and staging environment. You are not allowed to publish your app to the App Store, Play Store, or any 3rd party Android App Store with a trial license.

Purchase a Production License

To get pricing information and purchase a production license for the Scanbot SDK please request a quote.

App Identifier

Every app has a unique identifier (sometimes also known as "bundle identifier" or "application ID"). Your license will be bound to this identifier. To request a trial license or purchase a production license you have to provide us the bundle identifier of your app.

For Android: Please see the applicationId in the app-level build.gradle file of your android project:

defaultConfig {
applicationId ""

For iOS: In Xcode see the Bundle Identifier in the "General" settings tab of your project.


Free Developer Support

We provide free "no-strings-attached" developer support for the implementation & testing of the Scanbot SDK. If you encounter technical issues with integrating the Scanbot SDK or need advice on choosing the appropriate framework or features, please visit our Support Page.

The Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK must be initialized before usage. Make sure to call the initialization after entering the main widget creation.

The following configuration options can be passed on initialization:


import 'package:barcode_scanner/scanbot_sdk.dart';
import 'package:barcode_scanner/scanbot_sdk_models.dart';

var config = ScanbotSdkConfig(
loggingEnabled: true,
storageBaseDirectory: "file:///some/optional/custom-storage-dir/",

  • licenseKey: Your license key for the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK.
  • loggingEnabled: Optional logging flag.
  • storageBaseDirectory: Optional parameter for overriding the default storage directory as a file URI of the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK.
  • encryptionParameters: Optional parameter for Configuration class for AES encryption.
  • useCameraX: Optional flag to enable the usage of CameraX Android APIs of the Ready to Use UI components under the hood (Android only).
  • allowGpuAcceleration: Optional flag to enable GPU acceleration for TensorFlow ML models (Android only).
  • allowXnnpackAcceleration: Optional flag allows control of whether the XNN pack optimizations should be used (Android only).
  • enableNativeLogging: Optional flag to enable Scanbot SDK Core native logging (Android only).

Example code for initialization:

import 'package:barcode_scanner/scanbot_sdk.dart';
import 'package:barcode_scanner/scanbot_sdk_models.dart';

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {

_MyAppState createState() {
// Please note: this is just an example license key string (it is not a valid license)
String licenseKey =
"fXbN2PmyqEAZ+btdkSIS36TuX2j/EE5qxVNcZMXYErbLQ" +
"3OBnE10aOQxYI8L4UKwHiZ63jthvoFwUevttctBk0wVJ7Z" +
"+Psz3/Ry8w7pXvfpB1o+JrnzGGcfwBnRi/5raQ2THDeokR" +
"RB1keky2VBOFYbCfYt3Hqms5txF2z70PE/SBTMTIVuxL7q" +
"1xcHDHclbEBriDtrHw8Pmhh9FqTg/r/4kRN/oEX37QGp+Y" +
"3ogwIBbSmV+Cv+VuwtI31uXY3/GkyN/pSJZspIl+exwQDv" +
"O0O1/R/oAURpfM4ydaWReRJtjW8+b1r9rUgPERguaXfcse" +
"HlnclItgDfBHzUUFJJU/g==\nU2NhbmJvdFNESwppby5zY" +
"2FuYm90LmRlbW8ueGFtYXJpbgoxNDg0NjExMTk5CjcxNjc" +
var config = ScanbotSdkConfig(
licenseKey: licenseKey,
loggingEnabled: true
return _MyAppState();

Updating License Key in Production Apps

To renew an expired license or extend a valid license with new Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK features, you will have to update your app in the App Store or Play Store. The expiration date and the feature list of a license are contained in an encrypted data part of the license key string. This means a renewal or extension of a license will cause a new license key string to be generated.

License Check in Production Apps

If your Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK license has expired, any call of the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK API will terminate your app or result in an error. To prevent this you should always check for license expiration during the runtime by calling the method ScanbotBarcodeSdk.getLicenseStatus(). If the result of await returns result.isLicenseValid == false, you should disable any usage of the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK functions or UI components in your app. We highly recommend implementing a suitable handling of this case in your app!


Use this function to check the current state of the license. The SDK must be initialized.

var result = await ScanbotBarcodeSdk.getLicenseStatus();
if (result.isLicenseValid) {
// Making your calls of the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK Plugin API is now safe.
// e.g. start the Document Scanner
} else {
// Implement a suitable handling (e.g. disable Scanbot functionality in your App)
showAlert("Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK license has expired! Please install the latest app update.");


  • result.isLicenseValid : Contains a boolean status value of the license. true means the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK license is valid and all features can be used normally. false means the license is not valid and any call of the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK API will not work or result in an error.
  • result.status : A Status enum that describes the status of the current license key.
  • result.expirationDate - Optional expiration timestamp of the current license key if the license is valid.

License Status Types

  • Status.StatusOkay : OK, the license key is valid.
  • Status.StatusTrial : No license key installed, trial mode is active.
  • Status.StatusFailureNotSet : License error: No license installed.
  • Status.StatusFailureCorrupted : License error: The license key string is corrupted. Please check the format.
  • Status.StatusFailureWrongOS : License error: The license key does not include support for current Operating System (Android or iOS).
  • Status.StatusFailureAppIDMismatch : License error: The license key does not match the Application ID (on Android) or Bundle ID (on iOS) of this app.
  • Status.StatusFailureExpired : License error: License has expired.


When initializing the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK you can enable logging of the SDK. By default logging is disabled.

import 'package:barcode_scanner/scanbot_sdk.dart';
import 'package:barcode_scanner/scanbot_sdk_models.dart';

var config = ScanbotSdkConfig(
loggingEnabled: true,
// ...

On Android logs are printed into LogCat as well as saved on the device. The easiest way to check the log outputs on Android is to use Android Debug Bridge (adb). (e.g. $ adb -s <DEVICE_ID> shell "logcat")

On iOS all logs are printed to the console. Please use Xcode to check the log outputs. There will be no log files created by the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK plugin.

Please note: While it may be useful for development, consider switching logging OFF in production builds for security and performance reasons!

Want to scan longer than one minute?

Generate a free trial license to test the Scanbot SDK thoroughly.

Get your free Trial License

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