Classic UI
Configuration & Styling
To start the Document Scanner Classic UI, we must first create a
object, or simply a dictionary in vanilla javascript, as follows.
const config = {
containerId: containerId,
The only required property is the containerId
that should match the container where you want the document scanner to pop up.
inherits the base properties:
– Theid
of the containing HTML element where the Document Scanner will be initialized. RequiredvideoConstraints
– The desired video resolution. Optional, defaults to3840x2160
- Whether the screen should be mirrored. Useful when using a user-facing camera.false
by defaultpreferredCamera
- Camera label or camera device id. If not available, a default camera is used as fallbackonError
– Callback when something went wrong. Optional
The configuration object also accepts the following parameters (values displayed are defaults):
autoCaptureSensitivity: 0.66,
autoCaptureEnabled: true,
ignoreBadAspectRatio: true,
useImageCaptureAPI: false,
detectionParameters: new DocumentScannerParameters()
See the API Docs for a description of all the fields of DocumentScannerParameters
Additionally, you can also use the configuration object for react-like styling. It accepts the following parameters for document outline, hint text label and capture button color (values displayed are defaults):
style: {
outline: {
polygon: {
strokeCapturing: "green",
strokeSearching: "yellow",
fillCapturing: "transparent",
fillSearching: "transparent",
strokeWidth: "2px"
label: {
position: "absolute",
top: "90%",
left: "50%",
transform: "translate(-50%, -50%)",
textAlign: "center",
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)",
color: "white",
borderRadius: "0.25em",
padding: "0.5em",
fontFamily: "sans-serif",
fontSize: "1em"
path: {
stroke: "green";
strokeWidth: 4;
captureButton: {
color: "white"
Moreover, the hint texts can also be configured via the same configuration object (values displayed are defaults):
text: {
hint: {
OK: "Capturing your document... Please do not move the camera.",
OK_SMALL_SIZE: "The document is too small. Try moving closer.",
OK_BAD_ANGLES: "This is a bad camera angle. Hold the device straight over the document.",
OK_BAD_ASPECT_RATIO: "Rotate the device sideways, so that the document fits better into the screen.",
OK_OFF_CENTER: "Try holding the device at the center of the document.",
ERROR_NOTHING_DETECTED: "Please hold the device over a document to start scanning.",
ERROR_TOO_DARK: "It is too dark. Try turning on a light.",
ERROR_NOISE: "Please move the document to a clear surface.",
NOT_ACQUIRED: "Scanning failed."
The document scanner works at the maximum available camera resolution for the highest quality scans by default.
You can further configure the camera video stream by specifying the videoConstraints
property of
the document scanner configuration. Most video constraints are directly given to getUserMedia*
The default video constraints are as follows:
videoConstraints: MediaTrackConstraints = {
facingMode: "environment",
resizeMode: "none",
width: { ideal: 3840 },
height: { ideal: 2160 },
experimental: {
focusMode: "continous",
focusDistance: 0
*Everything except experimental
is passed directly to getUserMedia
because they are advanced constraints they will not work on all browsers and thus require special application.
All advanced constraints, however, are passed to the video stream in the same fashion.
You can add additional advanced constraints.
To receive detection results define onDocumentDetected
in the configuration:
onDocumentDetected: result => {
console.log("Detected Document:", result);
See the API Docs for a description of all fields of the result object.
Note that this will be called every time a document is detected, until you stop detection or dispose of the camera.
Creating the Scanner
After you are done configuring the scanner, simply refer back to your SDK object and create the scanner object as follows:
documentScanner = await scanbotSDK.createDocumentScanner(config);
An exception is thrown if camera streaming is not supported or the user blocks the camera.
Handling Automatic Capture
There is the option to disable automatic capture on the fly (for example image processing between document captures). You can also use these calls to create your own custom auto-capture on/off switch.
Call to disable auto-capture:
And when processing is complete, or the switch is flicked, re-enable it with the following command:
To verify whether auto-capture is enabled or not, call:
Switching between the front and rear camera
swapCameraFacing(force?: boolean): void;
indicates that only the swapped camera (e.g. front camera) is acceptable; if the swapped camera is not available, or the user declines the permission to use that camera, the media request will fail.
Firefox on Android: Due to current Firefox browser limitations, we highly recommend checking the running browser and disabling this feature for Firebox browsers.
Switching to a specific available camera
fetchAvailableCameras(): Promise<CameraInfo[]>;
switchCamera(deviceId: string, mirrored?: boolean): void;
getActiveCameraInfo(): CameraInfo | undefined;
interface CameraInfo {
deviceId: string;
label: string;
facingMode?: CameraFacingMode;
supportsTorchControl?: boolean;
type CameraFacingMode = 'front' | 'back' | 'unknown';
You can search for available cameras on the running browser by using fetchAvailableCameras
method of a scanner.
You can retrieve the label, device id and the camera facing mode information of the active camera of a scanner by using getActiveCameraInfo
And, you can switch to another available camera by utilizing its device id, by using switchCamera
const cameras = await scanner.fetchAvailableCameras()
if (cameras) {
const currentCameraInfo = scanner.getActiveCameraInfo();
if (currentCameraInfo) {
const cameraIndex = cameras.findIndex((cameraInfo) => { return cameraInfo.deviceId == currentCameraInfo.deviceId });
const newCameraIndex = (cameraIndex + 1) % (cameras.length);
Controlling the torch (flashlight)
On some mobile devices, the browser can control the torch (flashlight).
Check scanner.getActiveCameraInfo().supportsTorchControl
to see if the browser can control the torch for the currently active camera.
If true, you can control the torch by using the setTorchState
method of the scanner
setTorchState(state: boolean): Promise<void>;
On Android devices, only Chrome supports torch control. Starting with iOS 17.4, all supported browsers on iOS offer torch control functionality.
Always dispose of the document scanner after it is no longer needed
await documentScanner.dispose();
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