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Ready-to-Use UI

Our revamped Ready-To-Use UI Components for iOS, Android, and Web Document Scanner SDKs offer a refined and enhanced document scanning experience with built-in review capabilities. This version not only simplifies the integration process but also introduces a comprehensive document management interface. Users can now review scanned documents, rotate, crop, reorder, retake specific pages, and delete one or all pages directly within the scanner. Additionally, the scanning process is enriched with engaging animation feedback and document acknowledgment features, ensuring high-quality scans by allowing users to verify and decide whether to keep or retake the scanned image.

Although the main idea of the RTU UI is to provide simple-to-integrate and simple-to-configure components, its customization capabilities are numerous and should suit most of your needs. To achieve an even higher degree of customization, you can implement a custom UI and business-logic using our Classic UI Components.

Ready to Use UI introduction screenReady to Use UI scanning screenReady to Use UI acknowledgment screenReady to Use UI review screen


Ready-To-Use UI Components are within a separate binary, but the same npm package. Instead of loading our basic SDK, you need to load the UI version of the ScanbotSDK:

import ScanbotSDK from 'scanbot-web-sdk/ui';

And now you're ready to work with RTU UI Components. It's as easy as that!

Launching the scanner

In this section, we'll show you how to start the Document Scanner with minimal code. We'll also describe how to configure it extensively later on.

Launching The Scanner

Change the visuals to suit your needs

In addition to a fresh new design, the RTU UI v.2.0 comes with new configuration options that enable you to quickly adapt its visual appearance:


Using the new palette feature, you can change the UI components' colors to match your brand design.


Using the new localization feature, you can easily localize the strings that are displayed on buttons, labels and text fields.


Scanning flow


The Introduction Screen guides the user by providing a step-by-step overview on how to use the scanner effectively. You can configure each step with your own custom text. The introduction can be used to highlight key features and the scanning process specific to your use case.

API Reference for IntroductionScreenConfiguration

Ready to Use UI introduction screen

Scanning Screen

The Scanning Screen in the Document Scanner RTU UI v.2.0 is designed to provide a seamless and efficient document capture experience. Here are some key features:

  • Import from gallery: Users can import images directly from their device’s gallery, allowing for the integration of existing photos into the document scanning workflow.
  • Page limit configuration: Developers can set a page limit for the number of pages that can be scanned in a single session, helping to manage document size and user expectations.
  • Capture feedback animation: The Scanning Screen offers configurable feedback animations. Choose between a checkmark animation or the document genie/funnel animation to enhance user interaction and provide visual confirmation of successful captures.
  • User guidance: The scanner overlays dynamic text instructions to guide the user through the scanning process. This guidance adapts to the current state, such as suggesting adjustments if the document is at a bad angle or if the lighting is insufficient. These states are predefined, allowing developers to set custom text for each state.

These features combine to create an intuitive and user-friendly scanning experience, ensuring high-quality document captures every time.

API Reference for CameraScreenConfiguration

Ready to Use UI scanning screen
Scanning Screen

Acknowledge Screen

The Acknowledge Screen is designed to ensure the quality of captured images. The quality analyzer runs a thorough check on the captured image to determine its suitability. You can set the minimum quality required using the following:

  • No Document
  • Very Poor
  • Poor
  • Reasonable
  • Good
  • Excellent

You can also configure when the Acknowledge Screen should be shown using the following modes:

  • Bad Quality: The screen is shown only if the minimum quality criteria is not met.
  • Always: The screen is shown after every capture, regardless of the image quality.
  • None: The screen is never shown, even if the minimum quality criteria is not met.

API Reference for AcknowledgementScreenConfiguration

Ready to Use UI acknowledgment screen
Acknowledge Screen

Review Screen

The Review Screen allows users to manage and review their scanned documents before finalizing them. This screen provides a comprehensive set of tools to ensure that all pages are in the correct order and meet the desired quality. If not needed, the Review Screen can also be disabled to speed up the scanning workflow.

  • Rotate: Rotate any page to ensure proper orientation.
  • Crop: Crop pages to remove unwanted borders or adjust the document's frame.
  • Retake: Scan a particular page again if it doesn't meet quality expectations.
  • Add Page: Add a new page at any position within the multi-page document to include additional content.
  • Delete: Delete one or multiple pages, or clear all pages if necessary.
  • Zoom: Zoom in on any page to inspect details closely.
  • Submit: Once all pages are reviewed and managed, the user can tap the Submit button to complete the document scanning flow.

This screen is highly customizable and ensures that the users have full control over their scanned documents, enabling them to make any necessary adjustments before submission.

API Reference for ReviewScreenConfiguration

Ready to Use UI review screen
Review Screen

Crop Screen

The Crop Screen is a highly customizable ready-to-use cropping tool for ensuring precise adjustments to document images in a very convenient way, enhancing the overall quality and usability of the scanned documents.

Ready to Use UI crop screen

API Reference for CroppingScreenConfiguration

Cropping Screen

Common use cases

Single-Page Scanning without review

Allows users to scan a single page. Upon document detection, the SDK's Automatic Scanning function is initiated. The RTU UI can be configured to automatically submit the scanned page, or to show the review screen before submission.

Ready to Use UI scanning screen

API Reference for DocumentScanningFlow

Single Page

Multi-Page Scanning with review

Designed for documents with multiple pages. This mode allows users to scan and optimize multiple pages and export them as a single file. By default, the review screen is shown before submission. But you can also adjust the configuration to skip the review screen.

Ready to Use UI multi-page scanning screen

API Reference for DocumentScanningFlow

Multi Page

Single-Page Scanning with Finder Overlay

Introduces an overlay (a frame on top of the live view) for users. The finder can be made to fit standard document sizes like A4 or US Letter. You can also configure the expected aspect ratio yourself. For example, you can define an aspect ratio of 3:2, 1:1, etc. as a requirement for auto-scanning and auto-cropping. You can also configure the finder to use a full stroke or a cornered style. Other than the overlay, the functionality is the same as Single-Page Scanning mode.

Ready to Use UI scanning screen with finder

API Reference for DocumentScanningFlow

Single Page With Finder Overlay

Automatic Filtering

The new RTU UI v.2.0 also allows users to set a default filter to be applied to the document pages. If set, the filter is applied automatically.

API Reference for ParametricFilters

Automatic Filtering

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