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Changelog | Xamarin.Forms Document Scanner SDK

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 4.2.0 (25 Apr 2024)​

  • πŸŽ‰ New:
    • Added support for new barcode types. Check BarcodeFormats enum for:
      • USPSIntelligentMail
      • RoyalMail
      • JapanPost
      • RoyalTNTPost
      • AustraliaPost
      • GS1Composite
      • DatabarLimited
    • Added new feature - Document Quality Analyzer. It analyzes the text quality (legibility) on images. Please check IScanbotOperations interface and DocumentQuality enum for usage.
    • New generation of Text Data Scanner component. The quality and speed of scanning has significantly improved.
    • MRZ support for td1 long document standard.
    • Added support for Kuwait ID cards in the MRZ scanner.
    • Added support for Israelian checks to the check recognizer. Please check enum CheckStandard.
    • Added support for more PDF page sizes. Please check enum PDFPageSize.
    • Added support for PDF orientations. Please check PDFPageOrientation.
    • Android:
      • The new PDF renderer for simple PDF and "sandwiched" PDF generation also allows flexibility to add custom PDF metadata.
    • iOS:
      • Added new classes SBSDKDocumentQualityAnalyzer, SBSDKOpticalCharacterRecognizer, SBSDKOpticalCharacterRecognizerConfiguration and SBSDKTextLayoutRecognizer.
      • Added TrackingOverlayController property to SBSDKBarcodeScannerViewController.
      • Introduced new classes and properties to manage barcode tracking overlay.
      • Added Privacy manifest file (PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy) to the SDK which complies with the latest Apple specs.
      • Added new static property MaximumRecommendedImageSize to SBSDKDeviceInformation.
      • Added SetupDefaultLicenseFailureHandlerWithCompletion method to the ScanbotSDKGlobal class.
      • Added type BACK_WIDEST to CameraModule enum.
  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Both Android and iOS:
      • Added SetBarcodeFormatsFilter(barcodeFormat: List<BarcodeFormat>) method in BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration class.
      • Added new Optical Character Recognition engine based on machine learning algorithms that is much faster and less error-prone. The new OCR engine currently supports all languages with Latin letters, there is no need to specify the languages for it. The legacy engine based on Tesseract can still be used.
      • Improved the document detector with better performance and less memory consumption.
    • Android:
      • Removed parameter forceCpu: Boolean from ImageProcessor methods.
      • Optimized default and custom preview/picture size selection in the ScanbotCameraXView.
      • Optimized SetForceMaxSnappingSize(enabled: bool) behavior in the ScanbotCameraXView.
      • Improved pinch-to-zoom gesture in ScanbotCameraXView.
      • Added SetLifecycleOwner(lifecycleOwner: ILifecycleOwner) method for ViewController in DocumentScannerView and BarcodeScannerView to improve compatibility with Compose UI.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android:
      • Fixed some OOM crashes on low to midrange devices.
      • Fixed EnableCameraButtonTitle and EnableCameraExplanationText parameters on Batch and Barcode RTU UI screen configs.
      • Fixed crash in GenericTextRecognizer on ARM v7 devices.
      • Fixed behavior of OcrResolutionLimit configuration in GenericTextRecognizer.
    • iOS:
      • Fixed a bug where the finder text hint was still showing when ViewFinderEnabled was disabled in SBSDKUIBarcodeScannerViewController and SBSDKUIBarcodesBatchScannerViewController.
      • Fixed a wrong polygon color in RTU-UI barcode scanner tracking overlay.
      • Fixed an issue where the MRZ Scanner was not recognizing the new standard of Belgian ID Cards.
      • Fixed the issue when the top and bottom toolbars' background color in SBSDKUICroppingViewController didn't update on dark mode change, when set to UIColor.SystemBackground.
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Gs1DecodingEnabled of type bool is replaced with Gs1HandlingMode of type GS1Handling enum in BarcodeScannerAdditionalParameters.
    • Updated parameters in the PerformOcrAsync(...) method in IScanbotOperations.
    • Replaced Task<float?> EstimateBlurriness(ImageSource source); with Task<DocumentQuality> DetectDocumentQualityAsync(ImageSource source); in IScanbotOperations.
    • Android:
      • If you are using SetPictureSize(pictureSize: Size), SetCameraFrameSize(frameSize: Size) or SetPreviewFrameSize(frameSize: Size), make sure input Size has the correct orientation (fits the view or display size).
      • All scanner components have been switched to zoom ratio (values 1x, 2x, etc.) instead of linear zoom (from 0 to 1). Methods renamed: SetOpticalZoomRange() -> SetPhysicalZoomRange(); SetOpticalZoomLevel() -> SetPhysicalZoomRatio() in ScanbotCameraXView, DocumentScannerView, BarcodeScanAndCountView and BarcodeScannerView. setPhysicalZoomRange() and setPhysicalZoomRatio() accept possible zoom values from 0.5x up to 100x. NOTE: if the value sent to the camera is out of range for a specific device's capabilities, then the camera will try to set the max or min possible for that specific device. eg. Zoom 100x will only work on some high-end Samsung devices, whereas other devices will only have 12x-30x max. The same goes for minimum supported values, 0.5x is a wide-format camera module that does not exist on many Android devices.
      • Removed deprecated BlurEstimator feature. Use DocumentQualityAnalyzer instead.
      • Changed signature of RenderDocumentFromImages() and RenderDocumentFromPages() methods - pageSize: PDFPageSize was replaced with more detailed pdfConfig: PdfConfig parameter.
      • Replaced PerformOCR(AndroidNetUri[] images, string[] languages, AndroidNetUri pdfOutputFileUri = null) with public static OcrResult PerformOCR(AndroidNetUri[] images, OcrConfigs configs = null, AndroidNetUri pdfOutputFileUri = null) in SBSDK.
    • iOS:
      • Removed SBSDKImageMetricsAnalyzer, SBSDKImageChannelMetrics and UIImage+SBSDKMetricsAnalysis.
      • Refactored all OCR and PDF rendering classes to incorporate the new OCR engine and simplify the API.
      • Removed SBSDKOpticalTextRecognizer and SBSDKTextOrientationRecognizer.
        • Renamed SBSDKPageOrientation to SBSDKTextOrientation.
        • Changed function signatures of methods in SBSDKPDFRenderer and SBSDKUIPDFRenderer.
        • Added new values and removed unused values in SBSDKPDFRendererPageSize.
      • Replaced public static void CreatePDF(NSUrl[] images, NSUrl pdfOutputURL, PDFPageSize pageSize) with public static async Task CreatePDF(NSUrl[] images, NSUrl pdfOutputURL, PDFPageSize pageSize, PDFPageOrientation orientation = PDFPageOrientation.Auto).
      • Replaced public static SBSDKOCRResult PerformOCR(NSUrl[] images, string[] languages, NSUrl pdfOutputFileURL = null) with public static Task<SBSDKOCRResult> PerformOCR(NSUrl[] images, OcrConfigs configs = null, NSUrl pdfOutputFileURL = null).
      • Changed public static void CreatePDF(ImageStorage storage, NSUrl pdfOutputURL, PDFPageSize pageSize) method to private visibility.
      • The class SBSDKBlurrinessEstimator has been removed and replaced by the far superior SBSDKDocumentQualityAnalyzer.
      • Changed default value of the finder aspect ratio in SBSDKUIFinderDocumentScannerUIConfiguration to DIN A4 portrait.
      • Renamed a few UIImage extension methods:
        • Sbsdk_imageWarpedByPolygon with ImageWarpedByPolygon
        • Sbsdk_imageScaledToSize with ImageScaledToSize
      • Replaced the delegate method names for below classes: (eg: GenericDocumentRecognizerViewControllerDidCancel(...) to DidCancel(...))
        • SBSDKUIHealthInsuranceCardScannerViewControllerDelegate
        • SBSDKUIGenericDocumentRecognizerViewControllerDelegate
        • SBSDKUITextDataScannerViewControllerDelegate
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v4.2.0.
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v4.2.2.

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.10.2 (24 Nov 2023)​

  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Added support for Xamarin.Forms v5.0.0.2612 and v5.0.0.2622 targeting Android 13.
    • Nuget packages dependencies for Android were reduced and updated.
    • Please remove the Scanbot.NET.SDK.Dependencies, Scanbot.Xamarin.SDK.Dependencies or Scanbot.Xamarin nuget package, if you have them in your project. All dependencies are now included inside this package.
  • βœ… Tested with all Xamarin.Forms versions from up to

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.10.0 (6 Nov 2023)​

  • πŸŽ‰ New:
    • Added support for the barcode type MICRO_QR_CODE.
    • Added ConfirmationDialogConfiguration property of type BarcodeConfirmationDialogConfiguration in BarcodeScannerConfiguration class. It enables the user to configure a confirmation dialog with our barcode scanning feature.
    • Added Vehicle Identification Number scanner in RTU-UI. Please check VINScannerConfiguration.
    • Added new properties to BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration:
      • Common properties:
        • ViewFinderEnabled
        • CameraZoomFactor
        • CameraZoomRange
        • InitialScanDelay
      • Android only properties:
        • MinFocusDistanceLock
        • CameraPreviewMode
        • DelayAfterScan (for BarcodeScannerConfiguration only)
        • AutoCancelTimeout (for BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration only)
      • iOS only properties:
        • FocusLockPosition
        • FocusLockEnabled
        • DoubleTapToZoomEnabled
        • PinchToZoomEnabled
        • ShouldAnimateZooming
    • Added types CrewMemberCertificate and SwissDriverLicense in enum MrzDocumentType.
    • iOS: Added ExtensionFilter property of type BarcodesExtensionFilter in BarcodeScannerConfiguration. For results, please use the new Extension property in Barcode item.
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • Removed the barcode type Unknown.
    • iOS: Due to a Swift compiler naming collision, some classes starting with ScanbotSDK are renamed to Scanbot.
    • Removed SupportedLanguages property from TextDataScannerConfiguration.
    • Removed type TravelDocument from MrzDocumentType enum.
    • Major updates in MrzScannerResult class.
    • Replaced the data type SBSDKImageFilterType with ImageFilter for DefaultPageFilter property in DocumentScannerConfiguration.
    • Removed the enum SBSDKImageFilterType.
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.9.0 (2 August 2023)​

  • πŸŽ‰ New:
    • A new RTU-UI component, Text Data Scanner, was added, enabling OCR performance using our Data Scanner Camera API. Refer to TextDataScannerConfiguration and LaunchTextDataScannerAsync for implementation.
    • Barcode formats IATA2Of5, Industrial2Of5, and Code25 were added.
    • SelectionOverlayConfiguration was included in BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration to display an AR overlay on the barcodes.
    • Enum OverlayFormat was added, used within a property of SelectionOverlayConfiguration.
    • RequiredAspectRatios property was added in the DocumentScannerConfiguration class.
    • New types in MedicalCertificateCheckboxType enum were added:
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.EntitlementToContinuedPaymentYes
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.EntitlementToContinuedPaymentNo
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.SickPayWasClaimedYes
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.SickPayWasClaimedNo
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.SingleParentYes
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.SingleParentNo
    • New enum type Form21A_Back was added in MedicalCertificatesRecognizerFormType.
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Android: PageAspectRatio and FinderAspectRatio were removed. Please use AspectRatio instead.
    • Deprecated workflows, which include WorkflowScannerConfiguration class, LaunchWorkflowScannerAsync, CloseWorkflowScannerAsync and CreateWorkflow methods from IReadyToUseUi, were removed.
    • The deprecated PayFormScanner, which includes RecognizePayformAsync from IScanbotOperations, was removed.
    • A few types in MedicalCertificateCheckboxType enum were replaced:
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.RequiresCare with MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.CareYes
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.Accident with MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.AccidentYes
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: The BarcodeScannerAdditionalParameters class' CodeDensity property setter was fixed in DetectBarcodesFrom method.
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • ScanbotSDK.Xamarin was upgraded to v3.9.0
    • The native Scanbot Android SDK was upgraded to v2.2.0
    • The native Scanbot iOS SDK was upgraded to v2.2.0
  • βœ… Tested with Xamarin.Forms and MonoAndroid 12
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:
    • The changelog of Scanbot Xamarin SDK v3.9.0.

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.8.3 (26 Jul 2023)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed issue regarding orientation changes in Ready-To-Use screens
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.8.3
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.29.1

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.8.1 (2 Feb 2023)​

  • πŸŽ‰ New:
    • Added new parameter ForceUserGuidance in DocumentScannerConfiguration.
    • Added new parameter FlashButtonHidden in BarcodeScannerConfiguration, BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration, GenericDocumentRecognizerConfiguration, HealthInsuranceCardConfiguration and MrzScannerConfiguration.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed issues regarding force closing the scanner views for CloseBarcodeScannerAsync, CloseGenericDocumentRecognizerAsync and CloseCheckRecognizerAsync methods present in IReadyToUseUi interface.

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.8.0 (6 Dec 2022)​

  • πŸŽ‰ New:
    • Introduced Check Recognizer Ready to Use UI Component for scanning checks! See SBSDK.UI.LaunchCheckRecognizerAsync
    • Added new parameter codeDensity in Barcode Scanner and Batch Barcode Scanner RTU-UI configuration
    • If you have trouble restoring your NuGet packages after installing this version of the SDK, please install Xamarin.AndroidX.Lifecycle.LiveData@2.5.0 NuGet package in your Android project
    • Updated ProGuard rules! Make sure to copy and paste them from our ProGuard rules page
  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Improved accuracy and performance of the check recognizer.
    • Huge improvement on the speed and accuracy of 1D barcodes recognition.
    • Improved generic document recognizer field validation.
    • Added new MedicalCertificateRecognizer supported checkboxes:
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.Accident
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.AccidentNo
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.RequiresCare
      • MedicalCertificateCheckboxType.OtherAccident
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • IMPORTANT: The minimum Android target is now 12
    • SdkDetectionResult has been renamed to SdkDetectionStatus
    • AllowedInterfaceOrientations has been renamed in every RTU-UI component to OrientationLockMode and now has the type: InterfaceOrientation, which can take one of the following values: Portrait, Landscape or All
    • Android: All RTU-UI components will now use CameraX by default. You can set UseCameraXRtuUi to false in the SDK initialization parameters
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Many platform-specific bug fixes. Read more in the Xamarin v3.8.0 changelog below
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.8.0
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.96.0
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.29.0
  • βœ… Tested with Xamarin.Forms and MonoAndroid 12
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:
    • The changelog of Scanbot Xamarin SDK v3.8.0.

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.7.0 (2 Jun 2022)​

  • πŸŽ‰ New:
    • Added support for the GS1 barcode document format, see Gs1Document.
    • Android: Added LowPowerMode property to BarcodeScannerAdditionalParameters to enable a mode which slightly decreases the scanning quality and energy consumption, thereby increasing the scanning speed.
    • Android: Added an SDK initialization parameter to enable native C++ logging, for low level debugging. See EnableNativeLogging in SBSDKConfiguration.
  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Significantly improved recognition of Aztec barcodes.
    • Improved robustness and performance of the MRZ scanner.
    • Improved recognition of small barcodes on large images.
    • Improved recognition of stacked RSS Expanded (GS1) barcodes.
    • Improved rectangular DataMatrix performance.
    • Increased performance on still images with PDF-417 barcodes.
    • Android: Added full support for CameraX. You can set UseCameraXRtuUi to true in SBSDKConfiguration to make all Ready to Use UI components use CameraX.
    • Android: If the Scanbot SDK is not initialized, RTU UI screens are force closed without the RuntimeException.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Various platform specific bug fixes. Read more in the Android and iOS changelogs.
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Removed redundant OrientationLockMode parameter from DocumentScannerConfiguration. Use AllowedInterfaceOrientations instead.
    • Renamed Disability Certificate to Medical Certificate:
      • BarcodeDocumentFormat.DisabilityCertificate to BarcodeDocumentFormat.MedicalCertificate.
      • DisabilityCertificateResult to MedicalCertificateResult.
      • IWorkflow.AddScanDisabilityCertificateStep to IWorkflow.AddScanMedicalCertificateStep.
      • IWorkflowDisabilityCertificateResult to IWorkflowMedicalCertificateResult.
      • CommonDisabilityCertificateRatios to CommonMedicalCertificateRatios.
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.7.0.
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.92.0.
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.25.1.
  • βœ… Tested with Xamarin.Forms
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.6.0 (17 Feb 2022)​

  • πŸŽ‰ New:
    • Added Batch Barcode Scanner RTU-UI! This component allows you to scan multiple barcodes, which are only returned after you are done scanning . See LaunchBatchBarcodeScannerAsync.
    • Added close methods to all RTU-UI components, to trigger a force close of the screen. See .CloseBatchBarcodeScannerAsync(), .CloseBarcodeScannerAsync() and so on.
    • Added new parameters for the SDK initialization! See UseCameraXRtuUi, AllowXnnpackAcceleration and AllowGpuAcceleration.
    • Added Country to EHIC Recognizer fields.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed app crash when license is expired or invalid
    • iOS: Fixed EHIC Scanner RTU-UI not dismissing after a successful recognition
    • Fixed EAN/UPC Codes not being recognized because of ink spread
    • Various rare bug fixes; read more in the Android and iOS changelogs
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • EHIC Scanner RTU-UI now automatically closes after a successful recognition
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.6.0

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.5.0 (27 Aug 2021)​

  • πŸŽ‰ New:
    • Brand new Next Generation machine-learning-based barcode scanning engine with improved reliability and much faster performance! This engine will be used by default; you can use the parameter engineMode: EngineMode in the RTU-UI components configuration to use the old legacy engine instead.
    • Introduced Generic Document Recognizer! This RTU-UI component allows you to scan various types of documents, including German ID Cards, Passports and Driver's licenses!
    • Added support for MSI-Plessey! See the new format MSI_PLESSEY and the configuration parameters msiPlesseyChecksumAlgorithms in BarcodeScannerAdditionalConfiguration for RTU-UI screens; NOTE: by default MSI-Plessey is disabled, you must explicitly pass it to the configuration as an accepted barcode type.
  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Significant performance improvements for all scanners
    • More clear default values for user guidance strings on RTU UI screens
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Fixed a problem with UPC-A barcodes being recognized as EAN13 barcodes
    • Various native bug fixes
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.5.0

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.4.0 (21 May 2021)​

  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Droid: Improved ImageSource loading performance
    • Droid: Preview generation fix
    • Functions to decrypt preview images: await DecryptedOriginalPreview & await DecryptedDocumentPreview
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.4.0

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.3.1 (16 Apr 2021)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Droid: Fixed linking issue
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Android: Updated NuGet dependencies
    • iOS: Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.15.1
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.3.0

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.3.0 (9 Apr 2021)​

  • πŸŽ‰ NEW:
    • HintTitle and HintTitleColor parameters for Cropping View
    • Storage Encryption! For more details please check out the section "Storage Encryption"
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Tweaked link of CFunctions: Linker Behavior can now be set to "Don't Link"
    • Polygon is now properly rotated as well when rotating an image
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Removed MSI Plessey Barcode format
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.3.0

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.2.2 (24 Mar 2021)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed pathing issue introduced in latest Visual Studio build (_CodeSignature not found exception)
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.2.2

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.2.1 (15 Feb 2021)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Forms.iOS: Fixed storage issue when creating PDFs or performing OCR
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.2.1

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.2.0 (10 Dec 2020)​

  • πŸŽ‰ NEW:
    • iOS: Introduced a new API method RefreshImageUris(pages) to fix image file paths after app updates. For more details please check out the section Persistence of Page Objects.
    • Introduced new API method ReconstructPage to re-create pages based on pageId and metadata
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed a bug with the size of generated PDF documents being too big
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.2.0
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:
    • See the Changelog of ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v3.2.0

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.1.3 (13 Nov 2020)​

  • See the Changelog of ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v3.1.3

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.1.2 (12 Nov 2020)​

  • See the Changelog of ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v3.1.2

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.1.1 (11 Nov 2020)​

  • See the Changelog of ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v3.1.1

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.1.0 (4 Nov 2020)​

  • πŸŽ‰ NEW:
  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Improved barcode recognition for matrix codes (QR code and Data Matrix code)
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Android: The interface IPictureCallback was replaced by an abstract class PictureCallback that implements the IBasePictureCallback interface. For adjustments see our example app on GitHub.
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.1.0
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 3.0.0 (16 Oct 2020)​

  • πŸŽ‰ NEW:
  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Android: Some big improvements in the Document Scanner UI that make document scanning perform better and much smoother. Increased start-up time of the camera preview. Faster saving of the snapped pages. Optimized performance of the image processing for simple operations (rotate, crop, resize).
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Android: Dropped legacy SupportLibs, built for AndroidX. To migrate your project please check out the documentation from Microsoft
    • iOS: Removed support for iOS 9 and iOS 10
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v3.0.0
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 2.0.4 (24 Mar 2021)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed pathing issue introduced in latest Visual Studio build (_CodeSignature not found exception)
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v2.0.4

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 2.0.3 (09 Sep 2020)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed issue where the polygon in the Cropping UI could still be modified after Done click
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v2.0.3
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 2.0.2 (03 Sep 2020)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Droid: Fixed binding issue with ContourDetectorFrameHandler
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v2.0.2
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 2.0.0 (19 Jun 2020)​

  • πŸŽ‰ NEW:
    • Barcode detection on still (imported) images: IScanbotOperations.DetectBarcodesFrom(ImageSource source)
    • ML-Based Document detection: DocumentDetectorType.MLBased
  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Improved ErrorHandling in case SDK was not properly initialized
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Fixed issue where BarcodeScannerResult contained only a single Barcode
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Removed BarcodeFormat.AllFormats. If you want all barcode formats to be recognized, do not specify any formats
    • Renamed SBSDKBarcodeImageGenerationType to BarcodeImageGenerationType
    • Android: Updated internal dependency Xamarin.Forms to 4.5.0
    • Android: Dropped support for Android 4.x. Updated minimum Android API level to 21 (Android 5.0)
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.5.0 (2 Feb 2020)​

  • πŸŽ‰ NEW:
    • QR- & Barcode Scanner as beta feature which provides:
      • Improved detection and extraction of 1D and 2D barcodes, especially Data Matrix and PDF 417 codes
      • Support for multiple barcode detection
      • Out-of-the-box parsers, like German Medical Plans (Medikationsplan) based on Data Matrix, ID Cards or US Driver Licenses (AAMVA format) both based on PDF 417.
    • Recognizer for the European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC). Provides live detection and data extraction of all fields on the back of the card. Available as the Ready-To-Use UI Component class SBSDK.UI.LaunchHealthInsuranceCardScannerAsync
    • Black & white image filter: ImageFilterType.LowLightBinarization2
    • Disability Certificate Recognizer – Recognition of new fields: Intention, InsuredPersonType
  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Android & iOS: Custom ScanbotException thrown on license registration failure
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • ScanbotException is thrown on license registration failure
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.4.4 (11 Oct 2019)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed modal dialog style of the Document Scanner UI, Cropping UI, Barcode Scanner UI, MRZ Scanner UI and all Workflows UIs on iOS 13. All UI screens are opened in full-screen mode again.

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.4.3 (4 Sep 2019)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Workaround for a Mono issue on Android with file operations like File.Move(), which are used in the ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms methods CreatePdfAsync(..) and PerformOcrAsync(..).

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.4.2 (26 Aug 2019)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed crashes with some image filters, like BackgroundClean, DeepBinarization, LowLightBinarization, etc. on ARM 32-bit devices (armeabi-v7).
    • Android: Removed permission READ_PHONE_STATE used in a sub library of the native Scanbot SDK.
  • πŸ›  Dependencies:
    • Requires ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v1.4.2
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.4.1 (1 Aug 2019)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android & iOS: Added missing field DocumentType in MRZ Scanner result.
  • πŸ›  Dependencies:
    • Requires ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v1.4.1

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.4.0 (16 May 2019)​

  • πŸŽ‰ NEW:
    • Added RTU Workflows - configurable native multi-step ready-to-use scanners. Steps provided out of the box:
      • Document scanner - crops a document and returns a Page object.
      • Barcode scanner
      • Machine-readable zone scanner - for scaning ID cards and passports.
      • Disability certificate (ArbeitsunfΓ€higkeitsbescheinigung) scanner - scans document and extracts data from checkboxes and date fields.
      • Pay-form scanner - scans and extracts fields from (SEPA) pay-forms.
    • Added new config properties for the RTU UI Document Scanner Component:
      • DocumentScannerConfiguration.DocumentImageSizeLimit - to limit the size of the document image.
      • DocumentScannerConfiguration.ShutterButtonHidden - to hide the shutter button.
  • πŸ›  Dependencies:
    • Requires ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v1.4.0
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v1.4.0 introduces certain breaking changes. Please refer to the release notes.
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.3.0 (5 Mar 2019)​

  • πŸŽ‰ NEW:
    • Android & iOS: Added new Images Filters OtsuBinarization, DeepBinarization and EdgeHighlight.
    • Android & iOS: Support for PDF page sizes in CreatePdfAsync(IEnumerable<ImageSource> images, PDFPageSize pageSize) method.
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Android: Internal Storage - All components of ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms now use the internal storage by default, which is more secure and do not require storage permission prompts. Please note: In case your app is using the storage for scanned Pages as permanent storage, make sure to implement a suitable migration. E.g. move the archived Page images from the old external storage folder to the new internal storage. Or alternatively overwrite the storage to the external folder again. SBSDKInitializer allows to overwrite the StorageBaseDirectory via configuration: SBSDKInitializer.Initialize(app, licenseKey, new SBSDKConfiguration { StorageBaseDirectory = MyCustomStorageBaseDirectory });. Also see our example app scanbot-sdk-example-xamarin-forms.
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v1.3.0
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.1.2 (20 Feb 2019)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed issues with not loaded assets (Changed the behaviour of image resource loading in the native SDK framework)
    • iOS: Fixed animation of the Shutter Button in SmartMode in Document Scanner
    • iOS: Fixed handling of 24bit PNG images (e.g iOS 12 screenshots)
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v1.2.0
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.1.1 (5 Feb 2019)​

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed linker behavior for debugging.

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.1.0 (21 Nov 2018)​

  • πŸŽ‰ NEW:
    • Android & iOS: Reset/Detect functionality in the Cropping UI.
  • πŸš€ Improvements:
    • Android & iOS: MRZ Scanner: improved detection on still images and parsing of some optional MRZ fields.
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Android: Added file format extension (.jpg or .png) for Page images. Affects image files created by all UI components, like Document Scanner, Cropping UI, etc. Please note that only the new created image files will contain extensions. The currently available image files in the temporary storage of the Scanbot SDK will not get file extensions and may become inaccessible. So please make sure to implement a suitable migration mechanism.
    • Android & iOS: The config parameter PageCounterButtonTitle in DocumentScannerConfiguration now requires a placeholder "%d" for the number of pages (e.g. PageCounterButtonTitle = "%d Pages").
    • Android: Replaced NuGet packages Xamarin.Kotlin.StdLib and Xamarin.Kotlin.StdLib.Jre7 by Scanbot.Xamarin.Kotlin.StdLib and Scanbot.Xamarin.Kotlin.StdLib.Jre7. Please remove Xamarin.Kotlin.StdLib and Xamarin.Kotlin.StdLib.Jre7 from your Android project after the upgrade!
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed some camera issues on "Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus" devices with MIUI Chinese ROM.
    • Android: Fixed a bug with freezing camera on Document Scanner start.
    • Android: Fixed a bug in ApplyImageFilterAsync() in combination with ResultStorage.Png.
    • Android: Some layout fixes in Cropping UI (aka. inaccessible "DONE" button).
    • Android & iOS: MRZ Scanner: Fixed extraction of the field DateOfBirth from some French ID cards.
    • iOS: Fixed issues with OrientationLockMode in Document Scanner UI.
  • πŸš™ Under the hood:
    • Upgraded ScanbotSDK.Xamarin to v1.1.0
  • πŸ‘‰ Please also see:

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.0.7 (7 Sep 2018)​

  • Fixed an issue on iOS with opening RTU UI modal (#5)
  • Under the hood: Upgraded to ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v1.0.7

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.0.6 (28 Aug 2018)​

  • Under the hood: Upgraded to ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v1.0.6

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.0.5 (28 Aug 2018)​

  • Under the hood: Upgraded to ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v1.0.5

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.0.4 (1 Aug 2018)​

  • Fixed an issue on Android with starting Scanbot SDK Activities on some devices with Android 6.0.x (#2)

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.0.3 (27 Jul 2018)​

  • Under the hood: Upgraded to ScanbotSDK.Xamarin v1.0.3

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.0.2 (25 Jul 2018)​

  • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.33.3:
    • Removed the obsolete allowBackup flag from AndroidManifest.xml of the SDK
  • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.7.4:
    • Fixed memory leaks in Document Scanner

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.0.1 (12 Jul 2018)​

  • Included xmldoc-style documentation into the nuget package. Now IDEs will show additional contextual help.

ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms - Version 1.0.0 (3 Jul 2018)​

πŸŽ‰ First release of the ScanbotSDK.Xamarin.Forms Nuget package for Xamarin.Forms.

  • Provides Ready-To-Use UI Components - a set of easy to integrate and customize high-level Xamarin.Forms UI components for the most common tasks in Scanbot SDK:
    • Document Scanner
    • Cropping UI
    • Barcode & QR code Scanner
    • MRZ Scanner
  • New unified Scanbot SDK API:
    • Idiomatic asynchronous design
    • Xamarin.Forms-based unified API for Android & iOS
  • Example App demonstrating the new functionality: scanbot-sdk-example-xamarin-forms

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