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Changelog | Windows Barcode Scanner

Version 3.7.0 (18 Jul 2023)

  • 🎉 New:
    • More supported barcode types:
      • Industrial 2 of 5
      • IATA 2 of 5
      • Code 25
      • Micro QR Code
    • New Barcode/AR overlay component named Scanbot.Controls.SelectionOverlayControl which draws polygons for each barcode over the camera preview.
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improvements to the finder control:
      • New properties, such as HoleShape, HoleStrokeThickness and HoleCornerRadius, to control the look, size and/or shape of the finder cutout.
      • Additional properties, HoleStrokeColor and OverlayColor, to control the colors used.
    • Improved camera support, especially with Windows tablets using Intel AVStream cameras.
    • Barcode results now include a crop of the barcode image as well as AR overlay coordinates (for the barcode overlay component).
    • Additional configuration properties added to control the camera.
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Renamed Scanbot.Controls.ViewFinder to Scanbot.Controls.FinderControl.
    • Dispose method of Scanbot.Controls.BarcodeScannerComponent is no longer async.
    • Scanbot.Model.ViewFinderConfiguration type removed.
      • Additional properties added to Scanbot.Controls.FinderControl which supercede previous configuration settings.
    • Renamed Scanbot.Model.Error to Scanbot.Model.ScanbotSdkException.
      • The Code property on ScanbotSdkException is represented by ScanbotSdkErrorCode instead of by an int.
    • Removed OriginalImage from Scanbot.Model.BarcodeResult as each Scanbot.Model.Barcode has it's own Image now.
    • Updates to Scanbot.Model.BarcodeScannerConfiguration:
      • Removal of redundant properties:
        • Finder (of type Scanbot.Model.ViewFinderConfiguration).
        • CaptureOriginal
      • Removed several properties and consolidated tham into the Camera property of type Scanbot.Model.CameraOptions:
        • Mirrored
        • FocusMode
        • CameraDirection (renamed to Direction)
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Internal use of Windows.Media.Capture.Frames.MediaFrameReader for more precise control of frame capture from cameras and capture devices.
    • Added third-party libraries (icu4c 73.1, and magic-enum v0.8.1)
    • Updated the following third-party libraries:
      • JSON for Modern C++ library to 3.11.2
      • Tensorflow to 2.10.0
      • xsimd to 7.4.9-18-g3d17850
      • xtensor to 0.23.34-35-gbe35a267
      • xtl to 0.7.2

Version 1.0.0 (19 Oct 2022)

  • 🥳 First release

Version 1.0.0-pre.1 (6 Oct 2022)

  • First release candidate

Version 1.0.0-beta1 (20 Sep 2022)

  • First public beta

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