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Document Quality Analyzer (SBSDKDocumentQualityAnalyzer)

  • Analyzes the quality of text in a document on a still image.
  • The result is an enum of type SBSDKDocumentQuality.
import UIKit
import ScanbotSDK

class DocumentQualityAnalyzerSwiftViewController: UIViewController {

override func viewDidLoad() {

// Initialize the analyzer.
let analyzer = SBSDKDocumentQualityAnalyzer()

// Set the desired image.
if let image = UIImage(named: "testDocument") {

// Analyze the quality of the image.
let quality = analyzer.analyze(on: image)

// Handle the result.
self.printResult(quality: quality)

// Print the result.
func printResult(quality: SBSDKDocumentQuality) {

switch quality {
case .noDocument:
print("No document was found")
case .veryPoor:
print("The quality of the document is very poor")
case .poor:
print("The quality of the document is poor")
case .reasonable:
print("The quality of the document is reasonable")
case .good:
print("The quality of the document is good")
case .excellent:
print("The quality of the document is excellent")
@unknown default: break

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