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Storage and Encryption | iOS Document Scanner

File Handling & Storage Concept

The Scanbot SDK module works with file URIs. That means all input and output files (images, PDFs, etc) are identified by a file URI. Please note that a file URI is not just a file path : "file:///some/file/path/.." vs. "/some/file/path/.."

Examples of valid file URIs:

  • On Android: file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/

  • On iOS: file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D2BF9FB2-1024-4418-99B2-3709AB2C171E/Documents/sbsdk-temp/05719BF8-63DB-4C8A-9A57-25B233AED33C.jpg

All output files generated by the Scanbot SDK module are temporary files. We recommend copying, moving or deleting the files you get from callbacks to an appropriate storage place.

There is no automatic file clean mechanism in the module, because only your App can decide when the perfect time is to remove a file.

To avoid storage space issues caused by temporary files please implement a suitable hook for the cleanup function in your App.

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