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Classic UI

Classic SDK Components

Our Classic UI Components allow you to build your own flexible and fully customizable UI components. These building blocks are easy to integrate and customize and can be used in your Activities to implement barcode scanning functionalities.

Classic UI components require more effort during integration compared to Ready-to-Use UI Components, but allow you to fully customize the UI and its behavior.

Integration of Classic SDK Components

Use the class BarcodeScannerView, which encapsulates the Barcode Scanning feature in one UI component. When using the BarcodeScannerView component, it is not required to work directly with the camera view or to set up a finder view separately. Simply follow the steps below and you are ready to go.

To start using the barcode feature, add the following view into your layout xml:

android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Then configure the view using the following calls:

barcodeScannerView = findViewById(
val barcodeDetector = ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDK(this).createBarcodeDetector()
barcodeDetector.modifyConfig {
// set the supported barcode formats here
// both calls initCamera and initDetectionBehavior are required
barcodeScannerView.apply {
{ result ->
if (result is FrameHandlerResult.Success) {
// process the scanned result here
object : IBarcodeScannerViewCallback {
override fun onCameraOpen() {
override fun onPictureTaken(image: ByteArray, captureInfo: CaptureInfo) {
// process the full size images taken by BarcodeAutoSnappingController here
// to enable auto snapping use the following command:
// barcodeScannerView.viewController.autoSnappingEnabled = true

Delegate the methods onResume and onPause in your Activity class (or Fragment) to BarcodeScannerView:

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {


override fun onResume() {

override fun onPause() {

It is possible to configure the finder view using the following commands:

// To disable the finder view
// To set the required aspect ratio
barcodeScannerView.finderViewController.setRequiredAspectRatios(listOf(FinderAspectRatio(4.0, 1.0)))

You may also configure the camera or the behavior of the scanner using the corresponding configuration controllers:

// To switch to the front camera
// To call the take picture function of the Camera

Classic components: alternative approach

Instead of using a single BarcodeScannerView, you can achieve a higher degree of flexibility by using the classes ScanbotCameraXView, BarcodeDetectorFrameHandler, ScanbotBarcodeDetector, BarcodeScannerConfig and BarcodeAutoSnappingController to build a custom scanner UI for barcode and QR code scanning.


The Android camera API can be very tricky and is far from developer-friendly (in fact, very far). To help you avoid the same issues we encountered, we created the ScanbotCameraXView while developing the Scanbot SDK.

Adding it to your layout is as simple as:

android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Delegate the methods onResume and onPause in your Activity class (or Fragment) to ScanbotCameraXView:

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {


override fun onResume() {

override fun onPause() {

That's it! You can start your app and should see the camera preview.

Preview mode

The ScanbotCameraXView supports 2 preview modes:

  • CameraPreviewMode.FIT_IN - in this mode, the camera preview frames will be scaled to the layout view size. The full preview frame content will be visible, but unused edges can appear in the preview layout.
  • CameraPreviewMode.FILL_IN - in this mode, the camera preview frames fill the layout view. The preview frames may contain additional content at the edges that is not visible in the preview layout.

By default, ScanbotCameraXView uses FILL_IN mode. You can change it using the cameraView.setPreviewMode(CameraPreviewMode mode) method.

Autofocus sound and shutter sound

You can enable/disable autofocus event system and shutter sounds using setters in ScanbotCameraXView.

cameraView.setCameraOpenCallback(new CameraOpenCallback() {
public void onCameraOpened() {
cameraView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 700);

cameraView.setShutterSound(boolean enabled) sets the camera shutter sound state. The default is true, which means the camera plays the system-defined camera shutter sound when takePicture() is called.

Note that devices may not always allow disabling the camera shutter sound. If the shutter sound state cannot be set to the desired value, this method will be ignored.

Continuous-focus mode

For most use cases, it is recommended to enable the "Continuous-focus mode" of the Camera. Use the continuousFocus() method of ScanbotCameraXView for this. It should be called from the main thread and only when the camera is opened (CameraOpenCallback):

cameraView = (ScanbotCameraXView) findViewById(;
cameraView.setCameraOpenCallback(new CameraOpenCallback() {
public void onCameraOpened() {
cameraView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 700);

Please note: The continuos-focus mode will be automatically disabled

  • after the autoFocus method call,
  • after a tap on the ScanbotCameraXView to perform the autoFocus,
  • or after the takePicture event.

In these cases, you have to call the continuousFocus() method again to re-enable the continuous-focus mode.

Orientation lock

By default, the ScanbotCameraXView will create pictures with their orientation (portrait or landscape) based on the current device orientation. It is important to understand that the orientation of the taken picture is independent of the locked-orientation mode of the Activity!

For example: If you just lock the Activity to portrait mode, the orientation of the taken image will still be based on the current device orientation!

To apply a real orientation lock in ScanbotCameraXView, you can use the following methods: cameraView.lockToLandscape(boolean lockPicture) or cameraView.lockToPortrait(boolean lockPicture) to lock the Activity and the taken picture to a desired orientation:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// ...

cameraView = (ScanbotCameraXView) findViewById(;

// Lock the orientation of the Activity as well as the orientation of the taken picture to portrait:

// ...

User Guidance

To improve both the end user's experience and scanning quality you can add visual guidance to the scanning UI.

This will help the user understand the desired positioning, orientation, and size of the scanned document or the QR/barcodes in the camera preview and take care of the preliminary processing to improve the results.

General idea

In your layout put your finder view on top of ScanbotCameraXView within the same parent, and specify its id to ScanbotCameraXView using app:finder_view_id="@id/my_finder_view_id" attribute:

app:finder_view_id="@id/my_finder_view_id" />

android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Alternatively, you can just set id as android:id="@+id/finder_overlay" for your finder view and ScanbotCameraXView will find it automatically.

Please note the following limitations when using finder view:

  • the parent view should not have any padding. ScanbotCameraXView should have android:layout_width="match_parent" and android:layout_height="match_parent" layout parameters and no padding or margins;
  • the "Finder Overlay" view can have any margins, size, background or even child views, but it should always be over the camera preview frame, otherwise it will throw an IllegalStateException.

Not only will this direct the user's scanning process, but also the FrameHandler (attached to the given ScanbotCameraXView) will receive a non-null FrameHandler.Frame.finderRect object that will represent the frame area within the view finder's bounds. That can later be used, for example, for other SDK components that accept finder rect.

To start with: bare android.view.View (full customization)

In case you want full control over the look and feel of the view finder - you can use any android.view.View subclass as a finder view. Take this example:

app:finder_view_id="@id/my_finder_view" />

android:background="@drawable/finder_view_container_bg" />

where @drawable/finder_view_container_bg is your xml-drawable with bounds outline. The result might look like this:


FinderOverlayView - ready-to-use solution

Instead of plain android.view.View you can use our specially made FinderOverlayView class. It handles all the hassle and leaves you with just a little bit of styling. Take this example:



This component allows the following customizations:

  • overlay_color - the color of the area outside the finder view gap
  • overlay_stroke_color - the color of the finder view border
  • stroke_width - the width of the finder view border
  • sbsdk_corner_radius - the radius for rounded corners of the finder view border
  • min_padding - the minimum space between the finder view and the screen borders
  • fixed_width - the finder view's fixed width
  • fixed_height - the finder view's fixed height
  • max_size - maximum size of the longer side, when fixed sizes are not set

Alternatively, if you do not want to specify a fixed width and height, you can programmatically set the desired finder view aspect ratio. It will then take all the available screen space, respecting given aspect ratio and padding:

val requiredPageAspectRatios = listOf(FinderAspectRatio(21.0, 29.7)) // ~ A4 page size


val finderOverlayView = findViewById<FinderOverlayView>(

The result might look like this:


To set the padding from the edge of the preview (this means that the padding will not be calculated from the edge of the screen, but rather from the edge of the preview itself), use finderInsets API. Check both CameraPreviewMode.FIT_IN and CameraPreviewMode.FILL_IN to see the difference. To set all insets:

val finderOverlayView = findViewById<FinderOverlayView>(
finderOverlayView.finderInsets = Insets.of(50, 200, 50, 0)

To set one inset:

val finderOverlayView = findViewById<FinderOverlayView>(

There is also an option to create a safe area for the finder. This means that if some part of the preview is in this area, the finder will be moved out of this zone. For example, you can set the top safe area inset as the height of the toolbar to prevent your finder appearing behind the toolbar, even if the camera and finder layouts are placed behind the toolbar in the view stack.

To set all safe area insets:

val finderOverlayView = findViewById<FinderOverlayView>(
finderOverlayView.safeAreaInsets = Insets.of(0, 200, 0, 0)

To set one safe area inset:

val finderOverlayView = findViewById<FinderOverlayView>(

AdaptiveFinderOverlayView - for range of desired aspect ratios

In case you are scanning different documents with different acceptable aspect ratios, but still want to preserve the logic of having a pre-selected rectangle of the document - you might use AdaptiveFinderOverlayView.

Take this example:



AdaptiveFinderOverlayView uses ContourDetectorFrameHandler in its logic, so we also need to set that up:

val cameraView = findViewById<ScanbotCameraXView>(
val finderOverlayView = findViewById<AdaptiveFinderOverlayView>(

// we can use several aspect ratios:
val pageAspectRatios = listOf( // this will be used for ContourDetectorFrameHandler
PageAspectRatio(21.0, 29.7), // a4 sheet size
PageAspectRatio(85.60, 53.98)) // credit card size
val finderAspectRatios = pageAspectRatios.toFinderAspectRatios() // for AdaptiveFinderOverlayView

val contourDetectorFrameHandler = ContourDetectorFrameHandler.attach(cameraView, scanbotSDK.createContourDetector())

Now during live detection the finder view will adjust its borders to a detected document if it complies to one of the aspect ratios set.

Inserting views into finder sections

It is now possible to correctly layout some content within the finder. Both AdaptiveFinderOverlayView and FinderOverlayView have 3 sections where it is possible to insert a view. All inserted views can be matched to the size of the section, so it is possible to build custom constraints inside each of them. For this we need to place your view in xml with a special id.

First, just add it to the view hierarchy as you would do with any other finder view mentioned above:

  • finder_top_placeholder - for a container that will be placed above the finder frame.
  • finder_center_placeholder - for a container that will be placed inside the finder frame.
  • finder_bottom_placeholder - for a container that will be placed below the finder frame.






All 3 zones in finder, colored.

It is also possible to add views programmatically by calling:


Main configuration

The Scanbot SDK provides the ability to modify the default configuration of ScanbotBarcodeDetector. Here is an example of how to specify a completely custom BarcodeScannerConfig:

val barcodeDetector = ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDK(context).createBarcodeDetector()
val config = BarcodeScannerConfig(
barcodeFormats = BarcodeFormat.COMMON_CODES,
acceptedDocumentFormats = emptyList(),
engineMode = EngineMode.NextGen,
saveCameraPreviewFrame = false,
additionalConfig = BarcodeScannerAdditionalConfig()

Alternatively, utilize method modifyConfig to edit only some of the parameters:

barcodeDetector.modifyConfig {

The parameters currently available in BarcodeScannerConfig are:

  • barcodeFormats: List of BarcodeFormats to scan. Default is BarcodeFormat.COMMON_CODES.
  • acceptedDocumentFormats: List of BarcodeDocumentFormats to scan. Default is an empty list, meaning no filtering is done and all formats are accepted.
  • engineMode: Defines barcode detection mode to be used. The default is EngineMode.NextGen. See API documentation on available modes.
  • saveCameraPreviewFrame: Whether the detector should save a frame with the successful detection result. If true, BarcodeScanningResult will contain the camera preview frame Bitmap. Otherwise, the preview frame will not be collected. Defaults to false.
  • additionalConfig: additional config for specific barcode types

Additional configuration

Some peculiar use cases require special handling. For example, it's possible to configure ScanbotBarcodeDetector to scan only barcodes of pre-defined lengths. This might reduce the number false scans. Such parameters work only for enumerated types of barcodes and usually you don't need to modify their default values.

Users can specify these parameters via the BarcodeScannerAdditionalConfig entity as a part of BarcodeScannerConfig:

Configuring additional config in Barcode Scanner

Alternatively, you can utilize the methods modifyConfig and modifyAdditionalConfig to edit only some of the parameters:

Configuring additional config in Barcode Scanner

The parameters currently available in BarcodeScannerAdditionalConfig are:

  • minimumTextLength: Minimum required text length of the detected barcode. The default value is 0 (the setting is turned off). Currently only works for ITF and MSI Plessey barcodes!
  • maximumTextLength: Maximum text length of the detected barcode. Setting it to zero removes the limit. The default value is 0 (the setting is turned off). Currently only works for ITF and MSI Plessey barcodes!
  • minimum1DQuietZoneSize: Minimum required quiet zone of the barcode. Measured in modules (the minimum size of bar in a barcode). The default value is 10. Currently only works for ITF and MSI Plessey barcodes!
  • gs1HandlingMode: GS1 handling mode. Available modes: Gs1Handling.NONE, Gs1Handling.PARSE, Gs1Handling.VALIDATE_STRUCTURE, Gs1Handling.VALIDATE_FULL, Gs1Handling.DECODE_STRUCTURE, Gs1Handling.DECODE_FULL. The default is Gs1Handling.PARSE. For more information, refer to the API references here.
  • msiPlesseyChecksumAlgorithms: The checksum algorithms for MSI Plessey barcodes. The default value is MSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm.Mod10.
  • stripCheckDigits: when set to true, check digits for UPC, EAN and MSI Plessey codes are removed from the result. Has no effect if both single and double digit MSI Plessey checksums are enabled. The default is false.
  • lowPowerMode: when set to true, enabled the mode which slightly decreases the scanning quality and the energy consumption, and increases the scanning speed. If false - mode is disabled. The default is false.
  • useIata2Of5Checksum: when set to true, the IATA 2 of 5 barcode checksum is used. Default is true.
  • useCode11Checksum: when set to true, the Code 11 barcode checksum is used. Default is true.
  • australiaPostCustomerFormat: the australia post customer format. The default value is AustraliaPostCustomerFormat.ALPHA_NUMERIC.
  • addAdditionalQuietZone: when set to true, an additional quiet zone is added to the input image. Default is false.

Full example of a custom activity

As a final step, you have to connect the ScanbotCameraXView with BarcodeDetectorFrameHandler and BarcodeAutoSnappingController. The ScanbotBarcodeDetector can be used to detect and parse barcodes from still images (Bitmap), e.g. JPG files from the device's photo gallery or other sources.

You can refer to an example implementation of a fully customizable Activity in our demo:

👉 QRScanCameraViewActivity.kt

Manual data parsing

For manually parsing document data encoded in a barcode into the formatted document, use BarcodeDocumentParser.

val scanbotSDK = ScanbotBarcodeScannerSDK(context);

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