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Changelog | Cordova Document Scanner

Version 4.18.0 (29 Apr 2024)

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added new scanner: VinScanner.
    • Added new scanner: MedicalCertificateRecognizer.
    • A new machine-learning based machine-readable zone recognizer has been introduced
      • Added support for Kuwait ID cards in the MRZ scanner
      • Portuguese ID cards (old and new format) can now be recognized by the MRZ scanner
      • MRZ support for td1 long document standard
      • Added recognizeMrz methods for MRZ recognition on images
    • Introduced Document Quality Analyzer. It analyzes the text quality (legibility) on images.
    • Added extractImagesFromPdf and extractPagesFromPdf methods for extracting from PDF.
    • Added PerformOCRArguments, CreatePDFArguments and WriteTIFFArguments to better describe the arguments of the performOcr, createPdf and writeTiff methods.
    • Added new Barcode Document Format: GS1.
    • Added support for the Israeli Check standard.
    • Added support for inverted PDF-417 barcodes.
    • New generation of Text Data Scanner RTU UI. The quality and speed of scanning has significantly improved. Changed the default OCR engine to the new Scanbot_OCR engine. With the new ML-based OCR engine the speed of text recognition has increased twofold. The new OCR engine currently supports all languages with latin letters, there is no need to specify the languages for it.
    • Tesseract language traindata is no longer needed by default. Tesseract engine mode can still be used with customization of OCR config.
    • iOS: Added Privacy manifest file (PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy) to the SDK.
    • Added closing methods for all scanners in ScanbotSDKUI and ScanbotSDKUICordova: closeDocumentScanner, closeFinderDocumentScanner, closeCroppingScreen, closeMrzScanner, closeBarcodeScanner, closeBatchBarcodeScanner, closeEHICScanner, closeTextDataScanner, closeLicensePlateScanner, closeMedicalCertificateRecognizer, closeGenericDocumentRecognizer, closeCheckRecognizer and closeVinScanner.
    • New properties added to scanner configurations:
      • DocumentScannerConfiguration - autoSnappingDelay, cameraModule, touchToFocusEnabled, cameraUnavailableExplanationText, defaultPageFilter, detectorMode, forceUserGuidance, orientationLockMode, photoQualityPrioritization, requiredAspectRatios, preferredAspectRatios, stopsCameraSessionWhenDisappeared and userGuidanceFontSize
      • FinderDocumentScannerConfiguration - touchToFocusEnabled, defaultPageFilter, detectorMode, orientationLockMode and photoQualityPrioritization
      • CroppingScreenConfiguration - anchorPointsColor, orientationLockMode, swapTopBottomButtons, topBarButtonsActiveColor and topBarTitleColor
      • MrzScannerConfiguration - cameraModule, cameraPreviewMode, cancelButtonHidden, finderAspectRatio, flashButtonHidden, orientationLockMode, replaceCancelButtonWithIcon, topBarButtonsActiveColor, topBarButtonsInactiveColor and touchToFocusEnabled
      • HealthInsuranceCardScannerConfiguration - cameraModule, cameraPreviewMode, enableCameraButtonTitle, enableCameraExplanationText, flashButtonHidden, orientationLockMode, replaceCancelButtonWithIcon, topBarButtonsActiveColor, topBarButtonsInactiveColor and touchToFocusEnabled
      • TextDataScannerConfiguration - cameraModule, cameraOverlayColor, cameraPreviewMode, cancelButtonHidden, flashButtonHidden, flashButtonTitle, maximumNumberOfAccumulatedFrames, minimumNumberOfRequiredFramesWithEqualRecognitionResult, ocrResolutionLimit, orientationLockMode, replaceCancelButtonWithIcon, textDataScannerStep, textDataValueFilter, topBarButtonsActiveColor, topBarButtonsInactiveColor, touchToFocusEnabled, wordBoxHighlightColor and wordBoxHighlightEnabled
      • GenericDocumentRecognizerConfiguration - cameraModule, cameraPreviewMode, detailsSectionHeaderBackgroundColor, detailsSectionHeaderTextColor, documentsDisplayConfiguration, emptyValueTitle, fieldsDisplayConfiguration, flashButtonHidden, flashButtonTitle, orientationLockMode, replaceCancelButtonWithIcon, submitButtonTitle, topBarButtonsActiveColor and touchToFocusEnabled
      • BarcodeScannerConfiguration - barcodesExtensionFilter, barcodeValueFilter, cameraModule, cameraPreviewMode, cameraZoomRange, confirmationDialogConfiguration, delayAfterScan, doubleTapToZoomEnabled, enableCameraButtonTitle, enableCameraExplanationText, flashButtonHidden, focusLockEnabled, focusLockPosition, gs1HandlingMode, initialScanDelay, minFocusDistanceLock, orientationLockMode, overlayConfiguration, pinchToZoomEnabled, replaceCancelButtonWithIcon, shouldAnimateZooming, touchToFocusEnabled and viewFinderEnabled
      • BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration - autoCancelTimeout, barcodesExtensionFilter, barcodeValueFilter, cameraModule, cameraPreviewMode, cameraZoomFactor, cameraZoomRange, doubleTapToZoomEnabled, enableCameraButtonTitle, enableCameraExplanationText, flashButtonHidden, flashButtonTitle, focusLockEnabled, focusLockPosition, gs1HandlingMode, initialScanDelay, minFocusDistanceLock, orientationLockMode, overlayConfiguration, pinchToZoomEnabled, replaceCancelButtonWithIcon, shouldAnimateZooming, touchToFocusEnabled and viewFinderEnabled
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Stacked RSS barcode scanning has seen substantial improvements.
    • Barcode scanning has been improved with new ML models.
    • Improved accuracy and detection speed of QR_CODE, CODE_39, and CODE_93 barcode types.
    • Improved the speed of barcode recognition for most barcode symbologies.
    • Improved contour lines detection with ML Based detection.
    • Android: Stripped down the Android dynamic symbol table in native libraries. As a result, the size of the native shared libraries has decreased.
    • Android: Optimized the size of native libraries integrated into the Scanbot SDK.
    • Android: Enhanced error handling behavior when deleting SDK pages.
    • Android: Improved quality and speed of the Document Contour detector.
    • Android: Decreased size of Document Contour detector ML model.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Before, for certain invalid decoding of QR, an exception was thrown from ZXing. Now we rigorously treat this as a format error.
    • Before, we have returned CODE_25 results when INDUSTRIAL_2_OF_5 was enabled and CODE_25 was disabled. Now, we do not return the CODE_25 result for such decoding options.
    • Fixed the detection of a few false positive RSS Expanded codes in live mode.
    • Android: Fixed potential memory leak in all RTU-UI screens.
    • Android: Fixed a visual glitch with ScanbotCameraXView on Xiaomi devices, which happened before the preview started.
    • Android: Fixed some OOM crashes on low to midrange devices.
    • Android: Fixed false positives for CODE_39 and CODABAR barcodes.
    • Android: Fixed colors not being applied to fields in GenericDocumentRecognizerConfiguration.
    • Android: Fixed crash in TextDataScanner on ARM v7 devices.
    • Android: Fixed bug with invisible back button on Document Scanner RTU-UI screens when no Camera permission was granted.
    • Android: Fixed the logic in autoSnapProgressEnabled and polygonAutoSnapProgressEnabled methods in FinderDocumentScannerConfiguration and DocumentScannerConfiguration.
    • Android: Corrected mapping of userGuidanceStrings in CheckRecognizerConfiguration.
    • iOS: Fixed a crash when denying camera permission.
    • iOS: The Generic Document Recognizer now returns no result if MRZ parsing fails.
    • iOS: fixed a bug that caused the document scanner to auto-capture a second image shortly after the first image has been fixed.
    • iOS: Fixed a bug with magnetic lines in Cropping Screen RTU-UI.
    • iOS: Fixed a bug where the polygon should be mirrored when using the front camera in DocumentScannerResult.
    • iOS: Fixed a bug where automaticSelectionEnabled was not working properly in BarcodeScannerConfiguration.
    • iOS: Fixed a bug where flashEnabled was not working properly in HealthInsuranceCardScannerConfiguration.
    • iOS: Fixed a bug with the iPad 5th generation where captured images were wrong.
    • iOS: Fixed a wrong polygon color in RTU-UI barcode scanner tracking overlay.
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • status property is included in ResultWrapper interface and extracted from all resulting interfaces.
    • Redefined the return type of the following scanners: DocumentScannerResult, FinderDocumentScannerResult, CroppingResult, MrzScannerResult, TextDataScannerResult, HealthInsuranceCardScannerResult, LicensePlateScannerResult, GenericDocumentRecognizerResultand CheckRecognizerResult.
    • Properties removed from configurations:
      • DocumentScannerConfiguration - forceMaxSnappingSize and interfaceOrientation
      • FinderDocumentScannerConfiguration - interfaceOrientation
      • CroppingScreenConfiguration - interfaceOrientation, titleColor, topAndBottomButtonsSwapped and topBarButtonsColor
      • MrzScannerConfiguration - finderHeight, finderWidth, interfaceOrientation and topBarButtonsColor
      • HealthInsuranceCardScannerConfiguration - delegate, flashButtonInactiveColor, interfaceOrientation, recognitionEnabled, topBarButtonsColor and validationType
      • TextDataScannerConfiguration - interfaceOrientation and topBarButtonsColor
      • GenericDocumentRecognizerConfiguration - detailsFieldConfiguration, interfaceOrientation, shouldSavePhotoImageInStorage, shouldSaveSignatureImageInStorage, topBarButtonsColor and viewResultsButtonTitle
      • CheckRecognizerConfiguration - interfaceOrientation and topBarButtonsColor
      • BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration - barcodeFilter, gs1DecodingEnabled and interfaceOrientation
    • Results have been modified for scanners. Furthermore, types to better describe the scanner results have been introduced: DocumentScannerResult, FinderDocumentScannerResult, CroppingResult, MrzScannerResult, TextDataScannerResult, HealthInsuranceCardScannerResult, LicensePlateScannerResult, GenericDocumentRecognizerResult and CheckRecognizerResult.
    • Added the types to better describe the results of the corresponding methods: InitializeSDKResult, GetLicenseInfoResult, DetectBarcodesOnImageResult, DetectBarcodesOnImagesResult, ApplyImageFilterResult, ApplyImageFilterOnPageResult, GetImageDataResult, RotateImageResult, CreatePageResult, RemovePageResult, RotatePageResult, SetDocumentImageResult, DetectDocumentResult, RecognizeCheckResult, RecognizeMRZResult, RefreshImageUrisResult, GetOCRConfigsResult, GetFilteredDocumentPreviewUriResult, PerformOCRResult, CreatePDFResult and WriteTIFFResult.
    • Type CroppingScreenConfiguration renamed to CroppingConfiguration.
    • Type MrzResult renamed to MrzScannerResult.
    • Type ScanbotSDKConfiguration renamed to ScanbotSdkConfiguration.
    • Type FinderAspectRatio is renamed to AspectRatio.
    • Type InitializationOptions is renamed to ScanbotSdkConfiguration.
    • Type CameraImageFormat is renamed to StorageImageFormat.
    • Type LicensePlateDetectorMode renamed to LicensePlateScanStrategy.
    • Type ImageFilter renamed to ImageFilterType.
    • ImageFilterType type literals are changed. Replace the type literals in order to use applyImageFilter, applyImageFilterOnPage, getFilteredDocumentPreviewUri and all Page functionalities.
    • Removed ScanbotHTMLCamera.
    • Removed estimateBlur and replaced with documentQualityAnalyzer.
    • Removed requestCameraPermission method.
    • Removed setLicenseFailureHandler method.
    • Removed isCapturedAutomatically from Page.
    • Redefined literals in GenericDocumentType.
    • Removed textFilterStrategy from TextDataScannerStep.
    • startDataScanner, DataScannerConfiguration and DataScannerResult have been renamed to startTextDataScanner, TextDataScannerConfiguration and TextDataScannerResult.
    • quality is no longer a property in the argument for applyImageFilter, rotateImage and detectDocument.
    • performOcr, createPdf and writeTiff arguments modifications. options property added to better encapsulate the method options.
    • Removed barcodeFilter, codeDensity, gs1DecodingEnabled and lowPowerMode from InternalBarcodeDetectionCommonParameters.
    • The property enableGS1Decoding has been replaced by gs1HandlingMode in BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration. GS1 codes are now handled differently for various barcode types. Using the default option PARSE will give the same result as before for all barcode types, except of RSS_EXPANDED. Previously, for RSS_EXPANDED, the result was inconsistently returned with parentheses. Now, to get results with parentheses for all barcode types, choose the option DECODE.
    • Property supportedLanguages has been removed from HealthInsuranceCardScannerConfiguration.
    • Properties rawText and isValidationSuccessful removed from LicensePlateScannerResult.
    • Property subfiles in AAMVADocumentFormat now returns an array of AAMVADocumentSubfile.
    • Type literals for types CapturePhotoQualityPrioritization, LicensePlateScanStrategy, MSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm, GenericDocumentType, FieldDisplayState have been modified.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v4.2.0
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v4.2.2
    • Added "libharu" library to dependencies.
    • Removed usage of backward-cpp library.
    • Android: Blackview and Caterpillar brands are now excluded from GpuAcceleration-supported devices.
    • Android: Removed "Android PDF Writer" library from dependencies.
    • Android: Upgraded OpenCV version to 4.8
    • Android: Added "icu4c" library to dependencies.
    • Android: Updated version of Nameof C++ library to v0.10.3
    • Android: Disabled GPU acceleration for Redmi 9 models, Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime and devices with Android older than 6.
    • Android: Enabled -fstack-protector-all on Android.
    • Android: Removed outdated assets for MRZ detection.
    • Android: FrameHandlers won't return the result if FrameHandler.isEnabled is set to false after actual frame detection.
    • Android: We now append the bundle- or barcode- prefix to almost all of our SDK dependencies' names. The modules that have not been changed are those used by customers: rtu-ui-bundle, scanbot-barcode-scanner-sdk, scanbot-barcode-scanner-sdk-ui, io.scanbot:sdk-package-1, -2, -3 and -4 modules, all *-assets modules. The exception to this are modules scanbot-barcode-assets and scanbot-sdk-crypto-persistence: these will have corresponding prefixes from now on, depending on what SDK they are being used for.

Version 4.17.3 (5 Dec 2023):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Exposed excludedFieldTypes property in Generic Document Recognizer.

Version 4.17.2 (17 Oct 2023):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed a focusing issue with the new iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max.

Version 4.17.1 (20 Sep 2023):

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Android: The useCameraX property is set to true by default for SDK initialization in ScanbotSdkConfiguration.
    • iOS: The documentDetectorMode property is set to ML_BASED by default for SDK initialization in ScanbotSdkConfiguration.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Fixed compatibility issues with Cordova 7.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Using CocoaPods for the iOS Scanbot SDK under the hood.

Version 4.17.0 (26 Apr 2023):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Introduced Finder Document Scanner! It enables you to scan a single document page with the help of a viewfinder, bound to a certain aspect ratio. See startFinderDocumentScanner
    • Android: Introduced imageProcessorMode parameter in SDK Initialization options, to set the ImageProcessor mode to either BASE or ML_BASED
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fix unrelated properties being set to default values when passing an invalid value in API configurations
  • 🚙 Under the hood:

Version 4.16.2 (17 Mar 2023):

  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • Check Recognizer result imageUri parameter has been renamed to imageFileUri
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed crash occurring on some devices when initializing the OCR features
    • iOS: MRZ Finder is now visible when using the default configuration
    • Fixed performOcr wrong behavior when passing an empty array of images
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Using XCFramework for the iOS Scanbot SDK under the hood
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.30.2 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.16.1 (19 Jan 2023):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Introduced the feature Check Recognition on a Still Image via API function recognizeCheckOnImage. See Detection on Still Image.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Added a missing import statement that causes build errors on iOS.

Version 4.16.0 (24 Nov 2022):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Introduced the Check Recognizer, providing the ability to scan various types of checks from the USA, France, Kuwait, Australia and India. See Check Recognizer.
    • Added new parameter codeDensity into BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration to determine the density of QR codes. A higher density finds more QR codes in an image but the performance is slightly reduced.
    • Added new parameters codeDensity, lowPowerMode, stripCheckDigits and gs1DecodingEnabled into DetectBarcodesOnImageArgs and DetectBarcodesOnImagesArgs.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:

Version 4.15.0 (13 Sep 2022):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added Barcode Filter enum for detecting barcodes with extensions. See BarcodeFilter enum. Use property barcodeFilter in Barcode scanning/detecting configuration classes.
    • Added rawBytes property in BarcodeResultField. It is an array of bytes containing the raw data detected in the barcode.
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • IMPORTANT: Removed allowedInterfaceOrientation and orientationLockMode from all the RTU-UI configurations. Use interfaceOrientation instead (ALL, PORTRAIT or LANDSCAPE).
    • IMPORTANT: Removed type CameraOrientationMode and UIOrientationMode, use UIInterfaceOrientationMask instead.
    • Renamed Cheque to Check in LicenseFeature type.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.94.0 (cf. changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.28.1 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.14.1 (22 Jun 2022):

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Updated README

Version 4.14.0 (5 May 2022):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added topAndBottomButtonsSwapped in the Cropping UI configuration, to invert the top and bottom buttons' position. See startCroppingScreen
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Huge improvement on the speed and accuracy of 1D barcodes recognition.
    • Changed default OCR language in the Health Insurance Card Scanner to German for better recognition of umlauts.
    • Android: Native libraries size decreased by more than 20%
    • iOS: Improved Barcode Image cropping.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed an incorrectly thrown FileAccessException during the SDK initialization, when cleaning deprecated blob files.
    • Android: Fixed cropped images of 1D barcodes.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Updated third party libraries
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.93.0 (cf. changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.26.0 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.13.0 (10 Mar 2022):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added stripCheckDigits and lowPowerMode to BarcodeScanner and BatchBarcodeScanner configurations
    • Added flashButtonInactiveColor to HealthInsuranceCardScanner configuration
    • Added enableNativeLogging to the initialization configuration
    • Added forceMaxSnappingSize to DocumentScannerConfiguration
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • Removed bottomButtonsActiveColor and bottomButtonsInactiveColor from HealthInsuranceCardScanner configuration
    • Removed bottomButtonsActiveColor and bottomButtonsInactiveColor from MrzScannerConfiguration configuration
    • Renamed license failure DisabilityCertRecognition in LicenseFeature to MedicalCertRecognition
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • On Android: DocumentScanner, Cropping, BarcodeScanner, MrzScanner , EHICScanner, LicensePlateScanner, DataScanner, GenericDocumentRecognizer were refactored
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.92.0 (cf. changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.25.1 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.12.0 (17 Dec 2021):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Introduced the Generic Document Recognizer, providing the ability to scan various types of documents, including German ID cards, German passports and German driver's licenses Generic Document Recognizer
    • Added useCameraX to ScanbotSDKConfiguration. Ready to Use UI components can now use CameraX under the hood (Android only) SDK Initialization
    • Added allowXnnpackAcceleration to ScanbotSDKConfiguration, which allows controlling whether the XNN pack optimizations should be used (Android only) SDK Initialization
    • Added allowGpuAcceleration to ScanbotSDKConfiguration, which enables GPU acceleration for TensorFlow ML models (Android only) SDK Initialization
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • IdCardScanner: Removed startIdCardScanner method from ScanbotSDKUI
    • IdCardScanner: Removed IdCardScannerConfiguration, IdCardScannerResult, IdCardField
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improved recognition of UPC/EAN barcodes due to ink spread
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.89.1 (cf. changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.21.2 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.11.1 (17 Sep 2021):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: fixed msiPlesseyChecksumAlgorithms, stripCheckDigits and cameraZoom parameters being ignored in BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.87.1 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.11.0 (10 Aug 2021):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added isCapturedAutomatically in Page interface to identify whether the image was captured automatically or manually triggered by the shutter button. Persistence of Page Objects
    • Added engineMode property of type EngineMode on barcode scanning APIs - BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration to switch between the legacy barcode engine and the new Next Generation barcode engine. By default, the new engine is used. startBarcodeScanner
    • Additional parameter msiPlesseyChecksumAlgorithms: MSIPlesseyChecksumAlgorithm in BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration to specify the checksum algorithms for MSI Plessey barcodes. startBarcodeScanner
    • Changed signature of the LicenseFailure interface. Added additional parameter licenseErrorMessage : String
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • Renamed the parameter enableGS1Decoding in BarcodeScannerConfiguration and BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration as gs1DecodingEnabled. startBarcodeScanner
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.86.0 (cf. changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.19.3 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.10.0 (26 Apr 2021):

Version 4.9.1 (24 Mar 2021):

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Significantly improved Document Scanner result image lazy-generation
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.15.0

Version 4.9.0 (12 Mar 2021):

  • 🎉 New:
    • ID-Card Scanner - See the new API function startIdCardScanner.

Version 4.8.0 (26 Feb 2021):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Encryption of image and PDF files. For more details please check out the section Storage Encryption.
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • The structured OCR result data is now returned as a JSON data field jsonData instead of a JSON file (jsonFileUri)

Version 4.7.0 (8 Feb 2021):

  • 🎉 New:
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Data Scanner 2.0: Improved the Scanbot Data Scanner components for text recognition from European license plates and LC Dot-Matrix displays

Version 4.6.2 (21 Jan 2021):

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Added failsafe for ScanbotSDK iOS download script

Version 4.6.1 (14 Jan 2021):

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improved detection of ITF and DataMatrix barcodes
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: The flash button on all UI screens is not shown anymore on devices without a flashlight
    • Android: Fixed not working live detection on some devices with non-standard camera frame resolution
    • Android: Several potential fixes and checks in the Barcode Scanner UI to avoid sporadic crashes
    • Android: Fixed the "double scan" (double beep tone) issue in the Barcode Scanner UI
    • Fixed a rare case of the QR-codes processing which might lead to crash
    • Fixed incorrect processing of the text part in DataMatrix barcodes with binary data
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.77.2 (cf. changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.12.3 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.6.0 (4 Dec 2020):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Added a new config property autoCancelTimeout for the Barcode Scanner UI. It provides the possibility to set a timeout value in seconds for auto-closing/cancellation of the Barcode Scanner UI.
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improved barcode scanning. Better recognition of rotated and damaged PDF417 codes
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed an issue about Bitcode support when submitting an app to the App Store Connect (error "ITMS-90562: Invalid Bundle - Bitcode failed to compile")
    • Android: Fixed a bug with the size of generated PDF documents being too big
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.76.2 (cf. changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.12.1 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.5.0 (25 Nov 2020):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Android: Added a new optional config property useButtonsAllCaps: boolean for all RTU UI screens to control whether the buttons should use the all-capitals-style, as defined by the Android Material Design
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improvements in the detection of barcodes, especially of the type PDF417
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.76.0 (cf. changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.11.9 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.4.0 (23 Nov 2020):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Introduced a new API method refreshImageUris(pages) to fix image file paths after app updates. For more details please check out the section Persistence of Page Objects.

Version 4.3.1 (26 Oct 2020):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Barcode Scanner and EHIC Scanner: fixed the ability to lock the UI to certain orientation modes
    • Removed unused config property barcodeImageGenerationType from BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration
  • ⚠️ API Breaking Changes:
    • Replaced config property allowedInterfaceOrientations by orientationLockMode in BarcodeScannerConfiguration, BatchBarcodeScannerConfiguration, HealthInsuranceCardScannerConfiguration

Version 4.3.0 (13 Oct 2020):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Batch Barcode Scanner - a new UI component to scan multiple barcodes in a row. See the new API function startBatchBarcodeScanner.
    • Blur Estimator - a new API method to detect blurriness on still images.
    • New CroppingScreenConfiguration parameters: hintTitle and hintTitleColor
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Android: Some big improvements in the Document Scanner UI that make document scanning perform better and much smoother. Increased start-up time of the camera preview. Faster saving of the snapped pages. Optimized performance of the image processing for simple operations (rotate, crop, resize).
    • Android and iOS: Improved recognition of barcodes and QR-codes (live detection and from still images)
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • iOS: Dropped support for iOS 9 and iOS 10!
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.74.0 (cf. changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.11.2 (cf. changelog)

Version 4.2.2 (25 Sep 2020):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed a crash during the initialization process on some devices with Android 5.1 and less
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.72.3 (see the changelog)

Version 4.2.1 (6 Aug 2020):

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • iOS: Improved the download script of the iOS SDK framework in order to support the npm HTTP proxy settings

Version 4.2.0 (3 Aug 2020):

  • 🎉 New:
    • A new scanner UI component for the European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC)! See the new API function startEHICScanner
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Android: HTML5 Camera for barcode detection:
      • Added ViewFinder
      • Added a new function dispose
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed an installation issue when downloading the iOS SDK framework
    • Android: topBarBackgroundColor now also affects the status bar in all UI components (Document Scanner UI, Cropping UI, etc)
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.71.0 (see the changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.9.19 (see the changelog)

Version 4.1.0 (20 Jul 2020):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Android: HTML-Based Camera & Barcode Detection
      • Canvas-based camera: await ScanbotHTMLCamera.create(container);
      • Native SDK barcode detection: camera.startBarcodeDetector(barcodeFormats, callback)
      • Camera permission utility function: await SDK.requestCameraPermission();
    • ML-Based document detection: documentDetectorMode: 'ML_BASED'
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • iOS: SDK itself no longer contained in the npm package, but downloaded after npm install
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.70.2 (see the changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.9.17 (see the changelog)

Version 4.0.0 (27 Mar 2020):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Updated QR- & Barcode Scanner which provides:
      • Improved detection and extraction of 1D and 2D barcodes, especially Data Matrix and PDF 417 codes
      • Support for multiple barcode detection
      • Detect barcodes on still images (e.g. JPG file). See the new function detectBarcodesOnImage()
    • New function getLicenseInfo(success: LicenseInfo, error): Now features expirationDate and status, not just validity of a license
    • setLicenseFailureHandler(callback: LicenseFailure): You now have the option to set a license failure handler so you'd know exactly when, where and why you're experiencing license issues
  • 🛠 New Requirements:
    • Android: upped minSdkVersion to 21. The native Scanbot Android SDK now requires minSdkVersion 21 (API Level 21, Android 5.0)
    • Android: Got rid of legacy Support Libraries. The plugin and the native Scanbot Android SDK are now based on AndroidX libraries. Note that Cordova support for AndroidX requires additional plugins like cordova-plugin-androidx and cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter
  • ⚠️ API Breaking Changes:
    • Function isLicenseValid() was replaced by getLicenseInfo(). See getLicenseInfo() for more details.
    • The result of the Barcode Scanner UI now contains an array of detected barcodes - result.barcodes[n]. See startBarcodeScanner() for more details.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.60.0 (see the changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.9.11 (see the changelog)

Version 3.x

👉 Legacy documentation for v3.x

Version 3.3.1 (30 Mar 2020):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Removed permission READ_PHONE_STATE used in a sub library of the native Scanbot SDK.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.39.56.4

Version 3.3.0 (11 Feb 2020):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Android & iOS: Added support for TIFF compression types and for defining custom DPI value as TIFF meta data. See the new options compression and dpi of the writeTiff() method.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.39.56.3.

Version 3.2.3 (4 Feb 2020):

  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Android: Increased resolution of the preview images.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed image orientation on import in the createPage(..) method.

Version 3.2.2 (9 Oct 2019):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed modal dialog style of the Document Scanner UI, Cropping UI, Barcode Scanner UI and MRZ Scanner UI on iOS 13. All UI screens are opened in full-screen mode again.

Version 3.2.1 (22 Aug 2019):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed crashes with some image filters, like BACKGROUND_CLEAN, DEEP_BINARIZATION, LOW_LIGHT_BINARIZATION, etc. on ARM 32-bit devices (armeabi-v7).
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.39.52.2 (see the changelog)

Version 3.2.0 (30 Jul 2019):

  • 🎉 New:
    • Android & iOS: New black & white Image Filter LOW_LIGHT_BINARIZATION_2.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Removed permission READ_PHONE_STATE used in a sub library of the native Scanbot SDK.
    • iOS: Removed hardcoded language string in the native OCR component.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.39.52.1 (see the changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.9.3 (see the changelog)
  • 🛠 Dependencies:
    • Android: Removed dependencies to the deprecated library net.doo:doo-datamining-tools-android.

Version 3.1.0 (7 Jun 2019):

  • 🎉 New:
    • New black & white Image Filter LOW_LIGHT_BINARIZATION.
    • Added new config properties in the Document Scanner UI:
      • documentImageSizeLimit - to limit the resolution of the document image.
      • maxNumberOfPages - maximum number of pages to scan.
      • shutterButtonHidden - to hide the shutter button.
      • textHintEnergySavingActive - the text being displayed on the user-guidance label, when the scanners energy saver is activated (iOS only).
    • Android: Added native libs (.so) for the x86_64 architecture.
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Improved performance of the image filter DEEP_BINARIZATION.
    • OCR - Upgraded the OCR engine to Tesseract v4.00. Improved recognition speed and quality. Please also note the Breaking Changes below.
    • OCR API - Detailed OCR results per page, including bounding boxes for words, lines and paragraphs. See OcrOutputFormat.RESULT_JSON.
  • ⚠️ Breaking Changes:
    • OCR Language Files - If you use the OCR feature of this plugin, please upgrade the OCR language files to Tesseract 4.00. See the OCR section of this documentation for more details.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Fixed the status of the torch light toggle button in the Document Scanner on reactivating the scanning screen.
    • Fixed a bug with the Magnifier in Cropping UI (the Magnifier was stuck in a corner)
    • Various minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.39.51 (see the changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.9.2 (see the changelog)

Version 3.0.1 (26 Mar 2019):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed handling of the config arguments enableCameraButtonTitle and enableCameraExplanationText in Document Scanner UI, Barcode Scanner UI and MRZ Scanner UI.

Version 3.0.0 (11 Mar 2019):

  • 🎉 NEW:
    • Android & iOS: Support for PDF page sizes (see the createPdf method).
    • Android & iOS: Added new Images Filters OTSU_BINARIZATION, DEEP_BINARIZATION and EDGE_HIGHLIGHT.
    • Android & iOS: A new config option storageBaseDirectory allows to overwrite the storage location of the native Scanbot SDKs as well as of this Plugin on initialization.
  • 🚀 Improvements:
    • Android: Internal Storage - All components of this Plugin now use the internal storage by default, which is more secure and do not require storage permission prompts. See the Storage section of this documentation for more details.
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Android: Internal Storage - In case your app is using the storage for scanned Pages as permanent storage, please make sure to implement a suitable migration. E.g. move the previous archived Page images from the old external storage folder to the new internal storage. Or alternatively overwrite the storage directory to the external folder again by using the new storageBaseDirectory config option.
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed a bug with missing Page meta data as result of the detectDocumentOnPage method.
    • Android & iOS: Various minor fixes and improvements.
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.39.1 (see the changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.8.6 (see the changelog)
  • 🛠 Dependencies:
    • Android: Requires Android SDK 28, Android Support Libs 28+ (*). Upgrade to cordova-android@8.x is recommended or alternatively apply these gradle settings.

Version 2.x

Version 2.1.2 (31 Jan 2019):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • iOS: Fixed handling of uiConfigs arguments in Cropping UI (polygonColor, etc).
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.8.4 (see the changelog)

Version 2.1.1 (25 Oct 2018):

  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed a bug with freezing camera on Document Scanner start.
    • Android: Some layout fixes in Cropping UI (aka. inaccessible "DONE" button).
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.38.2 (see the changelog).
    • The native Scanbot Android SDK now uses the latest version of Google Play Services Vision lib v16.2.0 (

Version 2.1.0 (27 Sep 2018):

  • 🎉 NEW:
    • Reset/Detect functionality in Cropping UI
    • Added support for orientationLockMode in Cropping UI
  • ⚠️ Breaking changes:
    • Android: Added file format extension (.jpg or .png) for all Page images. Affects the new image files created by all modules like Document Scanner, Cropping UI, etc. Please note that only the new created image files will contain extensions. The currently available image files in the temporary storage of the Scanbot Plugin will not get file extensions and may become inaccessible. So please make sure to implement a suitable migration mechanism.
    • The config parameter pageCounterButtonTitle in Document Scanner now requires a placeholder "%d" for the number of pages (e.g. pageCounterButtonTitle: "%d Page(s)")
  • 🐞 Bug fixes:
    • Android: Fixed an issue with camera on "Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus" devices with MIUI Chinese ROM
    • iOS: Fixed issues with orientationLockMode in Document Scanner
  • 🚙 Under the hood:
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.8.0 (see the changelog)
    • Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.37.0 (see the changelog)

Version 2.0.7 (28 Aug 2018):

  • Under the hood: Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.7.7
    • Fixed bitcode generation

Version 2.0.6 (28 Aug 2018):

  • Under the hood: Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.34.0
    • Upgraded OpenCV to 3.4.2
  • Under the hood: Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.7.6

Version 2.0.5 (19 Jul 2018):

  • Under the hood: Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.33.3
    • Removed the allowBackup flag from AndroidManifest.xml in io.scanbot:sdk-package-ui library
  • Under the hood: Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.7.4
    • Fixed memory leaks in Document Scanner

Version 2.0.4 (18 Jul 2018):

  • Under the hood: Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.33.1
  • Android: Various bug fixes and improvements in methods getFilteredDocumentPreviewUri() and applyImageFilterOnPage()
  • iOS: Added the ?minihash= query parameter in result of getFilteredDocumentPreviewUri()

Version 2.0.3 (13 Jul 2018):

  • Under the hood: Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.7.3
  • iOS: Fixed a bug in PDF creation: Improved image loading for PDF and OCR.

Version 2.0.2 (12 Jul 2018):

  • iOS: Fix property mapping of text key textHintOK
  • Android: Improved error handling of images array
  • Fixed Typings (index.d.ts)

Version 2.0.1 (11 Jul 2018):

  • Fixed Typings (index.d.ts)
  • Android: Made code Java 1.6 compatible (sourceCompatibility 1.6)

Version 2.0.0 (5 Jul 2018):

  • New Document Scanner UI, Cropping UI and Barcode Scanner UI - based on the native Ready-To-Use UI Components of the Scanbot SDK for Android and iOS.
  • Multi-page scanning in Document Scanner UI
  • MRZ Scanner UI
  • TIFF support: provides creation of 1-bit TIFF images with multi-page support
  • New image filter types:
    • PURE_BINARIZED - Creates an image with pixel values set to either pure black or pure white.
    • BACKGROUND_CLEAN - Cleans up the background and tries to preserve photos within the image.
    • BLACK_AND_WHITE - Black and white filter with background cleaning. Creates a grayscaled 8-bit image with mostly black or white pixels.
  • Under the hood: Upgraded the native Scanbot Android SDK to v1.33.0:
  • Under the hood: Upgraded the native Scanbot iOS SDK to v1.7.2:
    • Dropped support for iOS 8
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.x

See the legacy v1.x documentation

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