Scanning a barcode from an image
The barcode scanner can quickly analyze a still image and identify any barcodes present within it. Once a barcode is detected, the scanner extracts information and returns the result. Take a look at an example down below:
Example for detecting barcodes on the Image
- Swift
- Objective-C
import Foundation
import ScanbotSDK
func detectBarcodesOnImage() {
// Image containing barcode.
guard let image = UIImage(named: "barcodeImage") else { return }
// Types of barcodes you want to detect.
let typesToDetect = SBSDKBarcodeType.allTypes
// Creates an instance of `SBSDKBarcodeScanner`.
let detector = SBSDKBarcodeScanner(types: typesToDetect)
// Returns the result after running detector on the image.
let result = detector.detectBarCodes(on: image)
#import "BarcodeDetectionOnImage.h"
@import ScanbotSDK;
@implementation BarcodeDetectionOnImage
- (void) detectBarcodesOnImage {
// Image containing barcode.
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"barcodeImage"];
// Types of barcodes you want to detect.
NSArray<SBSDKBarcodeType *> *typesToDetect = [SBSDKBarcodeType allTypes];
// Creates an instance of `SBSDKBarcodeScanner`.
SBSDKBarcodeScanner *detector = [[SBSDKBarcodeScanner alloc] initWithTypes:typesToDetect];
// Returns the result after running detector on the image.
NSArray<SBSDKBarcodeScannerResult *> *results = [detector detectBarCodesOnImage:image];
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