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Creating TIFF Documents | React Native Document Scanner

TIFF Creation

ScanbotSDK.writeTIFF(args: WriteTIFFArguments): Promise

The Scanbot SDK renders the given images into a multi-page TIFF file and stores it as a file. For each image a separate page is generated.


  • imageFileUris - Input images as an array of file URIs in proper order (image element 1 => page 1, etc).
  • options - An object containing some of the following properties:
    • oneBitEncoded - if true, the input images will be binarized and the output TIFF file will be saved with one bit per pixel. If false, the input images will be stored as-is. The default value is false.
    • dpi - Optional integer value for Dots Per Inches. The default value is 200 dpi.
    • compression - Optional TIFF compression type. The default value depends on the oneBitEncoded flag. CCITT_T6 (CCITT Fax 4) is the default value for binarized (oneBitEncoded=true) images. For color images (oneBitEncoded=false) the default value is ADOBE_DEFLATE (ZIP).


Returns an object with the following properties:

  • tiffFileUri - file URI with the path to the created TIFF file

TIFF Compression Types

Following TIFF compression types are supported:

  • NONE : No compression.
  • CCITT_T6 : "CCITT Fax 4" compression type. Most common and recommended type for binarized (1-bit) black and white images to achieve a small TIFF file size.
  • ADOBE_DEFLATE : "ZIP" compression type. Most common type for color images.
  • CCITT_T4
  • LZW

⚠️ Please note that the following compression types are only compatible for binarized images (1-bit encoded black & white images): CCITTRLE, CCITTFAX3, CCITT_T4, CCITTFAX4, CCITT_T6, CCITTRLEW.

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