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Filters and Image Processing | React Native Document Scanner

Apply Image Filter

ScanbotSDK.applyImageFilter(imageFileUri: string, filter: ImageFilter): Promise<string>

Applies filter to an image. As input, a file URI of the image must be passed. The output image will be a new file. The input image file will not be modified.

  • imageFileUri - file URI of the image to rotate
  • filter - ImageFilter string value


File URI to the rotated image file.

Image Filter values

Supported image filters:

  • COLOR_ENHANCED - Optimizes colors, contrast and brightness.
  • GRAYSCALE - Grayscale filter.
  • BINARIZED - Standard binarization filter with contrast optimization. Creates an 8-bit grayscale image with mostly black or white pixels.
  • COLOR_DOCUMENT - MagicColor filter. Fixes white balance and cleans up the background.
  • PURE_BINARIZED - A filter for binarizing an image. Creates an image with pixel values set to either pure black or pure white.
  • BACKGROUND_CLEAN - Cleans up the background and tries to preserve photos within the image.
  • BLACK_AND_WHITE - Black and white filter with background cleaning. Creates an 8-bit grayscale image with mostly black or white pixels.
  • OTSU_BINARIZATION - A filter for black and white conversion using OTSU binarization.
  • DEEP_BINARIZATION - A filter for black and white conversion primary used for low-contrast documents.
  • EDGE_HIGHLIGHT - A filter that enhances edges in low-contrast documents.
  • LOW_LIGHT_BINARIZATION - Binarization filter primarily intended for use on low-contrast documents with heavy shadows.
  • LOW_LIGHT_BINARIZATION_2 - Binarization filter primarily intended for use on low-contrast documents with heavy shadows.

Rotate Image

ScanbotSDK.rotateImage(imageFileUri: string, degrees: number): Promise<string>

Rotates an image by given degrees value. As input, a file URI of the image must be passed. The output image will be a new file. The input image file will not be modified.


Promise returning the file URI of the rotated result image.

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